@DATABASE "ArtStudio.guide" @$VER: ArtStudio Guide V1.3 1997 MotionStudios @NODE "Main" "ArtStudio 2.5" @TOC "MAIN" @{"ArtStudio Version 2.5" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/ArtStudioV2.0"} Software for picture maintenance & picture manipulation User documentation Version 1.5 Copyright 1994-1997, MotionStudios Beforehand... @{" Foreword " LINK "Vorwort"} Welcome @{" Product survey " LINK "Produkt bersicht"} What can ArtStudio does? @{" Screenshots " LINK "ScreenShots"} Examples @{" System requirements " LINK "Systemvoraussetzungen"} Does ArtStudio work with my system @{" Installation " LINK "InstallationText"} How to install ArtStudio Handling... @{" Introduction " LINK "Einf hrungMain"} For the better unterstanding @{" Window " LINK "WindowMain"} Declaration of all windows @{" Menu " LINK "MenueMain"} Declaration of the menu strip @{" Keyboard macros " LINK "TastaturMain"} Used initials @{" ARexx " LINK "ARexxMain"} External control by ARexx @{" Preferences " LINK "FensterPref"} Program preferences ArtStudio-Modules... @{" Graphic formats " LINK "GrafikMain"} Which formats will be supported? @{" Picture manipulation " LINK "OperatorMain"} Effects without end ;) @{" Viewers " LINK "ViewerMain"} Which indication modulus for my computer? @{" ARexx Programms " LINK "ARexxProgramme"} Enclosed ARexx-Scripts @{" Tools " LINK "ToolPrograms"} Enclosed Tools Worth knowing... @{" Handing over parameters " LINK "Parameter"} Important parameters for extern programms @{" Questions and answers " LINK "FragenAntworten"} Answers to the frequently asked questions @{" Technical term " LINK "Glossar"} Declaration of the technical terms Legitimates... @{" Registeration " LINK "Registration"} Something about registeration @{" Updates " LINK "UpDates"} To be up to date everytime @{" Support " LINK "Support"} Here you get help @{" Thanx " LINK "Danke"} To all assistants @{" Future " LINK "Future"} What will come next? Legitimates... @{" Licenses " LINK "Lizenz"} Copyright and Waranty @ENDNODE @NODE "Vorwort" "Welcome to ArtStudio" @TOC "MAIN" Welcome ======= Welcome to ArtStudio -------------------- Congratulations! You have decided for a product which marks on several points. ArtStudio was made for professional use and disginguish by simply handling and high processing rate. At a program like this it was taken care that the picture will have usable quality what is very important in this case. Responsible for ArtStudio ------------------------- Programming: Ingo Kleefeld Hand book: Ingo Kleefeld Revision of the handbook: Carsten Kindler Translating into English: Michael Garlich (part 2), Oliver Lopinski (part 1) The informations in this product are published without consideration for eventually patent protection. Trade names are used without guarantee of free employment. It was proceeded with mostly carefulness in the compilation of documents and pictures. Any mistakes cannot be fully excluded, nevertheless. The editors and authors cannot undertake neither legal responsibility nor any liability for wrong instructions and their consequences. Trade marks ----------- GIF is a registered trade mark by CompuServe, Inc. PCX is a registered trade mark by ZSoft Corporation. VLab is a registered trade mark by Macrosystem. AMIGA is a registered trade mark by Amiga International All other products mentioned in this guide are trade marks of the belonging companies. @ENDNODE @NODE "Produkt bersicht" "What can ArtStudio does?" @TOC "MAIN" ArtStudio Professional ====================== The new version of ArtStudio was extended about many efficiently functions. - It makes possible the searching of lists and whole hard discs / CD-Roms. - It's executable on every graphic board and in every disintergration because of window technique. - The screen mode is free choosable by screen mode requester. - Unterst zung von PopUpMen und Drag & Drop. - Mehrere Bild bersichtsfenster m glich. - Automatische Kategorie Erstellung, anhand der Verzeichnisstruktur. - Windows are free adjustable therefore many individual settings are possible for every catalogue. - The program supports now over 50 graphic formats which will be recognized automatically. - Vectorformate wie Postscript, WMF, WPG, AMF, DSDR usw. - Animationsformate: Anim5,7,8 FLI, FLC, AVI, MPEG, QUICKTIME und viele weitere Exotische Formate wie z.B. "TIM" bekannt von der Playstation oder auch FAX, ICON, FONT u.s.w - Direkte ScanQuix Unterst tzung. - Zusammenf gen von mehreren Katalogen. - Importieren von Picture-Manager Katalogen. - Viele zus tzliche Werkzeuge zum Konvertieren, Bearbeiten und Anzeigen von Bilder. - Anzeigeprogramm f r Animationen. - Automatische Erstellung kompletter HTML-Seiten zur Presentation im Internet. - Auslesen von LHA, LZH, und LZX -Archive. - Erstellen von LHA und LZX Archiven. - Pictures can be converted in other graphic formats, for examble JPEG, IFF, SunRaster, SGI, IFFDEEP, YUV etc. - Over 40 powerful functions of picture manipulation exists and are now included, for examble MotionBlur, Sharpen or Mirroring. - CyberGFX supporting, the miniature pictures can be showed now in TrueColour (24 bit). - Showing of all pictures in 16 Mill. colours, it's also possible into one window on the ArtStudio screen. - The miniature pictures have a great picture quality because of Bi-interpolation and Floyd-Steinberg-Dithering. - Loading-routines and converting have been optimized which makes it possible an essential faster reading of the pictures into the catalogue. - In the 24 bit mode the miniature pictures can be saved also as JPEG formats by very low consumption of hard disc memory. - Drivers are available for ECS, AGA, Graffiti, Retina, Picasso and Cybergraphics. - It's possible to include external picture viewers which are separated in every graphic format. - Additional tools for viewing, converting or picture manipulating by CLI, WB or other programs. - Extended search function. - The functions for converting, copying or deleting of pictures can be automated now. - Directly exportation of pictures into other programs like AdPro, ArtEffekt, XiPaint, DPaint5 and so on. - Lots of ARexx scripts are included in this consignment. - The program and the guide are now available in German and English. - Easily handling. - full Draco compatible - Animationformats Anim5,7,8 - FLI/FLC - MPEG - AVI - QUICKTIME - improved preference setting, now in HiRes too - output the catalogue on printer with or without the miniature pictures or into a file - new loadermodules: now55 loaders avaible AMF = AmigaMetaFile AVI = Animationsformat CGM = Vectorformat FAX = Raw Faxdata`s FAX_IFF = FAXdata`s in IFF-Format (e.g. used by GPFax) FIG = Vectorformat FLIC = FLI and FLC Animationsformat MPEG = MPEG Animationsformat POSTSCRIPT = Adobe Postscript RAW_RGB = a PlayStation graphicformat RLE = UtahRLE TIM = another PlayStation graphicformat WMF = Vectorformat - new viewermodules: Graffiticard Viewer (now for ECS-User 256 colors on screendisplay for every graphicformat) - further ARexx-Scripts - ca. 20% faster than ArtStudio Version 2.0 - JPEG-Loader 3 times faster as before - optimize routines for 68040/060 Amigas - and some little improvements - The external viewers can set for each graphicformat or for all formats Because of this, it`s more comfortable to set the external viewers - LHA/LHZ/LZX support, archives were recognized automatically and searched for pictures. Of course it`s possible to catalogue different pictureformats containing in a LHA-LZX files. ArtStudio also recognized pictures which are stored in subdirectories in LHA-LZX files resp. containing spaces in their filenames. - You can see the contents of a LHA/LZX-archives in the Image information-window - Importmodul for PictureManager catalogues, they will transform in ArtStudio`s catalogue format automatically. - AppIcon on Workbench, because of that you can catalogue a drawer simply by drop it`s icon on ArtStudio`s AppIcon. A ArtStudio catalogue has to be opened before you can do this. - easier loading of pictures resp. catalougues. ArtStudio saves the last directory-path which you have used automatically. After a newstart ArtStudio knows the last path and you can continue the cataloging of your pictures. - SpeedUpScript, to improve the speed for 40% especially useful for PhotoCD`s. First you have to start the script than ArtStudio - many little improvements for better handling - external FLI/FLC Player for CyberGFX - external AVI-Player for AGA and CyberGFX Printout of a picture-catalogue ------------------------- Mark all stamps which you like print out on the paper. Please notice the category settings! After this you can find in menu marked picture the subpoint "print graphic". Now a window appears which allows you to take some further settings e.g. change brightness. If you have selected the output to a printer ArtStudio starts sending data`s to your printer and you will see the result after a few minutes. If you have selected the output to a file ArtStudio writes a overview in IFF-format to the choosen device. The overviews can show with every IFF viewer. Price: 129.- DM Update from V1.0 to V3.0: 79.- DM Update from V2.0 to V3.0: 69.- DM Update from V2.5 to V3.0: 59.- DM CrossUpdate: 69.- DM Disk version on request. Technical hotline for registered users: Motion Studios Wildermuthplatz 3 D-28211 Bremen Tel. : +49-(0)421/24 99 66 Fax. : +49-(0)421/24 95 56 email : MotionStudios@mail.netwave.de WWW : www.netwave.de/MotionStudios/index.html Hotline hours: Mo. - Fr. 16.30 - 18.00 Uhr Distribution through: --------------------- Titan Computer Mahndorfer Heerstr. 80a D-28307 Bremen Tel. : +49-(0)421/48 16 20 Fax. : +49-(0)421/48 16 20 Opening hours: Mo. - Fr. 10.00 - 13.00 und 15.00 - 19.30 Uhr Sa. 10.00 - 14.30 Uhr @ENDNODE @NODE "ScreenShots" "Bildschirmfotos" @TOC "MAIN" @{"ScreenShot 640x 512" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/ScreenShot640x512"} @{"ScreenShot 800x 600" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/ScreenShot800x600"} @{"ScreenShot 1024x 768" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/ScreenShot1024x768"} @{"ScreenShot 1280x1024" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/ScreenShot1280x1024"} @ENDNODE @NODE "Systemvoraussetzungen" "Systemvoraussetzungen" @TOC "MAIN" Needed system configurations ============================ Before you start working with ArtStudio you should take care that your system meets the following minimum prerequisites for a correctly use. Required hardware ----------------- For working with ArtStudio you must have an AMIGA computer including hard disc and at least Kickstart V2.0 with Workbench 2.1. Your hard disc should be large enough and you should have at least 10 MB disc space free. For the RAM it counts as a rule: "The more the better". The really needed memory depends on individually using by the user. See following examble: - A picture in 800 * 600 in 24 bit (approx. 16,8 Mill. colours) needs 1,440,000 bytes memory (approx. 1,37 MB). - Further examble: A picture in 1280 * 1024 in 24 bit needs 3,932,160 bytes (approx. 3,75 MB). You can see each picture needs several big memory blocks. But for the normal users 4 MB FastRAM and 1 MB ChipRAM are enough. We recommend 8 MB FastRAM and 2 MB ChipRAM for working with other programs at the same time. We recommend a graphic board or an AMIGA computer with AGA graphic chip set but they are not necessary for working with ArtStudio. Required software ----------------- For working with ArtStudio you need the Workbench 2.1 or higher versions. When using lower versions it could happens any mistakes or system crashes and you will lose your datas. AMIGA computer with included older system software are able for updating with hardware and software upgrades, please ask your Amiga dealer near you. @ENDNODE @NODE "InstallationText" "Installieren von ArtStudio" @TOC "MAIN" Installation of ArtStudio ============================= For installing ArtStudio on your hard disc please do the following steps: - Start your AMIGA if not happened yet. - Insert the ArtStudio-CD into your CD-Rom drive when the Workbench appears. After this insert the ArtStudio 2.5 disc in your floppy drive double-click on the discicon. - You can see the contents of the ArtStudio-Disc also the icon called "ArtStudio_Install" which you start with a double click, too. - Now the installer window appears which ask you for the directory in which you like to install ArtStudio. ArtStudio creates a drawer named "ArtStudio" automatically. - Please let the adjustments in this condition. - Click on "OK" button. - The installation will be taken automatically. - Please type in your name and registration-number when the window appears. If you don`t do that step ArtStudio would not start after the installations. - After ending of installing you can start ArtStudio with a double click on the ArtStudio icon. HAVE BIG FUN! @ENDNODE @NODE "Einf hrungMain" "Einf hrung in ArtStudio" @TOC "MAIN" Introduction ============ Here you will know the basics of handling with the AMIGA computer in order to work successful with ArtStudio. Moreover it follows a "tour" through the ArtStudio program. Before you start working... -------------------------- We suppose that you know your AMIGA and also: - you are at home in your workbench, - you control all functions of your mouse (clicking, double clicking, pressing and pulling), - you can move correctly on your screen / windows also by using the sliders, - you can choose the functions from the menues / dialogue fields. If you don't control these basic-functions you should read the documentation of your AMIGA computer. For advance working with ArtStudio we recommend fundamental knowings in using "ARexx". How you can help yourself ------------------------- If you have any problems with ArtStudio please read this hand book first. Think about the problem occured and the functions which don't want to work as you have expected. Look into your hand book. The table of contents and the index will support you in your intention. Was it not successful please take care if any program works parallelly caused a misfunction (perhaps a graphic program or other softwares). If you are convinced of discovering a defect or a bug caused by ArtStudio please contact our technical service. Please note that you must be registered first before you can use the technical service. A "tour" through ArtStudio ========================== Now we are starting our "tour" through ArtStudio. Please note the keyboard shortcuts because we mention only the buttons / menue points. The using of the keyboard shortcuts saves a lot of time. How to start ArtStudio ---------------------- Before start working you must start ArtStudio, of course. You start the program exactly like other AMIGA programs: Open the drawer where ArtStudio is included and do a double click on the ArtStudio symbol, the icon named "ArtStudio". How to create a new catalogue ---------------------------- The catalogue is the file which includes all datas about your picture collection to manage. Before beginning to put pictures into your data base you must create another new catalogue. You open a window with the menue point "Cataloge->New" and there you fix the default mode of the new catalogue. Stamp size ---------- It indicates the size of the miniature pictures which are showed in the picture window. Let the setted adjustment in this condition or choose a size you like. Colours ------- Here you specify the miniature picture are showed in colour or in greyscales. If you are working with an AMIGA computer with ECS chip set (every Computer but the AMIGA 1200/4000 models) and you have not installed a graphic board it is only possible to work with 16 greyscales, 16 colours or in HAM6 mode. In the HAM6 mode the screen must have a size at least 640 x 256 which functions only with Autoscroll. Base name --------- Here you state the name of the file. The name will be indicated in the information part of the ArtStudio window. After choosing of "Create New" you can enter the path and the name into the following filerequester in which your new catalogue should be saved. If you confirm your choose the catalogue will be created and you can start with the loading of your pictures. Loading pictures and directories -------------------------- Before loading pictures and scanning directories you should state the loading module on the preference window in order to recognize your pictures correctly. The better way is to use the "Universal" loading module which recognizes automatically the graphic format to load and starts the belonging loading module. Catalog a single picture ------------------------------ All preparations are finished and we can begin now to catalogue pictures. First we want to show you how to read separate pictures. Click on the menue point "Cataloge->OPEN". It comes a filerequester in which you enter the path where your pictures are. Is this case the ArtStudio-CD in the directory "Images". Now we are choosing the picture "Skyline.jpg" and confirming with the "Load" button. ArtStudio is reading and converting the picture what can take a little time depending on the power of your Amiga. After successful working the picture "Skyline.jpg" should appear in the picture window. It's possible to search for pictures in the whole directory because that is far too much trouble to read each picture separately. Reading of one directory ---------------------------- The reading of whole directories saves a lot of time and efforts. The computer can work alone and we can drink a cup of coffee comfortable. Now we want to let searching for pictures in one directory without to take into consideration further subdirectories (tree scans). Here it is important that you turn off the button "Tree scan" in the preferences of ArtStudio thus the searching for tree scans will be stopped. Now we click the menue point "Catalogue->OPEN", in the filerequester we choose the ArtStudio-CD and then the directory "Images/Summer". Please pay attention that you have not chosen file names because then it will be read only one picture again. After confirming with the "OK" button the directory will be scanned shortly and the converting will be started. If you do the things all right then it should appear now 2 pictures more in the picture window provided that the picture window is big enough for showing the pictures. If you have 5 pictures in your cata- logue then you have not turned off the button "Tree scan" in the pre- ferences->MISC. The reading of one directory incl. tree scans --------------------------------------------- It's the mostly used feature for reading pictures. If you would like to search for pictures on the complete CD-Rom or harddisc then you must turn on the button "tree scan" in the preferences of ArtStudio what makes it possible the reading of tree scans. If you do so click on the menue point "Catalogue->OPEN". If our path has not been chosen so we will do it again by choosing the ArtStudio-CD. Now we choose the directory "Images/Summer" and confirm the application with the "OK" button again. You should pay attention that you have not chosen a file name because one picture will be loaded again. The requester ask you what is to do with the existing picture because you have read now 2 of the 4 pictures. You can choose between the buttons "Do It", "Do All", "Skip All", "Skip". We click on the button "Skip All" by that the existing pictures will not converted again. Further informations about the requester you will find in the GUI description. Now you should have 5 pictures in your catalogue. If you cannot see all pictures please extend the picture window or use the cursor key in order to watch the non-visible pictures. Watching pictures ----------------- You know how to read pictures so we want to show you how you can view the pictures. If you choose the menue point "Images->Zoom" you can see the same picture 2times extended by a simply mouse click. You can decide according to preferences if you want more quality or more speed. Please read also "GUI description". All users with graphic boards who working with CyberGFX have the possibility to vary the size of the zoomwindow. Of course in 24 bit, For lots of people the zoom function is not enough so we have made it possible to watch the pictures in full size and great colours. Before we come to this point we should choose the needed viewermodule in the preferences first. You will decide for one of the offered viewermodules according to the configuration of your computer. If you have an AMIGA with ECS chip set but without graphic board then you should decide for "ECS_HAM" (colour) or "ECS_GREY" (greyscales). If you have a graphic board which controls the AGA emulation you can also use the viewermodules "AGA_HAM" or "AGA_GREY" which bring about a considerable increase of quality of the showed pictures. Drivers are available for special boards. Please use the viewermodule which meets the name of the graphic board. Now we come to the showing of the pictures. Please choose the menu point "Images->VIEW" first that points to the program that by choosing of one of the miniature pictures in the window the belonging picture will be showed. If it not so then an error has occured. Was the switch in the preferences turned on "Loader Error" and "Pic Warn" then appears an error information which shows us the mistake. The most frequently mistakes are: - Not enough free memory, - You have chose the wrong loading module, - You have chose the wrong viewer module. Everyone who don't like the ArtStudio-viewer has 2 further possibilities to let show the pictures. First you can use external viewers or second you have the script language "ARexx" which offers you a lot of possibilities. Hereby we guarantee that later graphic boards and/or viewer programs can be supported. If you don't know much about "ARexx" please apply to MotionStudios (provided that you are registered) and we will try to meet your wishes. Now we want to describe briefly how you can put your own external viewers into the program: - Click on the menue point "ArtStudio->Preferences->EXTERNAL VIEWERS". - Please choose which graphic format should get an external viewer. - Please choose your needed viewer by clicking on the "Get File" button (left by the string gadget). - You can state certainly adjustments to your viewer if you would like to do this. - You type the initials "%s" (standing for the path and the name of the picture) at this place where the viewer expects the file name. Please see also "handing-over parameters". - Now you must still switch the button left by the string gadgets. - Moreover you must switch on the main switch which counts for every external viewers. Sorting ------- ArtStudio offers you the possibility to sort your catalogue into 8 several categories because the readed pictures will not laying in assorted form. In order to sort a catalogue we click on the menue point "Images->Sort". According to your choice the catalogue will be sorted into the following categories: - Name Names of the pictures. - Path Path of the pictures on the data medium. - Picture depth Picture depth or known as number of the colours. - Resolution The size of the picture which will be sorted first to the width and then to the height. - Date Creation-date of the original picture. - Stamp date Creation-date of the miniature picture. - Graphic format Sorting to several graphic formats. - Length Length of the original picture on the data medium. Now you can sort your catalogue as you like by simply clicking on one of the 8 menue points. We want to sort by names of the pictures and use the "Name" menue point. The catalogue will be sorted and new saved in order to find the file sorted again when we start once more. Please read also the point "Sorting windows" in chapter "Worktop description". Cover the function keys with ARexx scripts ---------------------------------------------- It's very interesting to cover the function keys with ARexx programs by that you can export pictures into other programs quickly and simply or you can configure the complete preferences of ArtStudio as you like or you can drive external viewers etc. At first we want to lay an ARexx script on the function key "F10". Please open the ARexx macro window by clicking on the menue point "ArtStudio-ARexx Macros". Where "F10" is mentioned you enter the path and the name of the ARexx script or you click on the "Get File" button which opens a filerequester with this we can search for the wanted ARexx script. In this case we are looking for the path "ArtStudio:Rexx/" and the name "About.asrx". Click on "OK" and now in your "ARexx Macro Keys" window appears as follows: ArtStudio:Rexx/About.asrx At this program we need not to surrender any parameters. Please save by clicking on the "Save" button and now we are able to test our first function key by pressing the "F10" key. The "About ..." window should open in what you can read address of MotionStudios and their serial number. @ENDNODE @NODE "WindowMain" "Oberfl chen Beschreibung" @TOC "MAIN" GUI description =================== @{" Catalogue information " LINK "FensterKatalog"} Informations about the catalogue @{" Picture window " LINK "FensterBilder"} Where the miniature pictures will shown @{" Picture informations " LINK "FensterBildInfo"} Standard informations about the picture @{" Text informations " LINK "FensterTextInfo"} Additional informations about the picture @{" Preferences " LINK "FensterPref"} For configuration of ArtStudio @{" Select Categories " LINK "FensterSelelctCategory"} Choose a certain category @{" Working with categories " LINK "FensterEditCategory"} Additing or deleting category @{" Main window " LINK "FensterMain"} Graphical standard buttons @{" Tools " LINK "FensterTools"} For working with marked pictures @{" Picture manipulation " LINK "FensterOperator"} Stranging and forming pictures @{" Window strip " LINK "FensterFensterleiste"} Graphical buttons for select a window @{" Create a new catalogue " LINK "FensterCreateNew"} How to create a new catalogue? @{" Searching window " LINK "FensterSearch"} How to search for a certain picture? @{" ARexx window " LINK "FensterARexx"} Choosing and starting an ARexx script @{" ARexx macro window " LINK "FensterARexxMacros"} Lay ARexx scripts on the function keys @{" ARexx button window " LINK "FensterARexxButtons"} Function keys for graphical showing @{" Printing window " LINK "FensterPrint"} How can I print with the catalogues dates? @{" Delete picture window " LINK "FensterDelete"} What has to be delete? @{" Picture exists window " LINK "FensterImageExist"} The picture is just existing! @{" ArtStudio informations " LINK "FensterAbout"} A few infos about ArtStudio @{" Print Image " LINK "FensterDruckenGrafikInfo"} Print images catalog @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterKatalog" "Catalogue informations" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Catalogue informations" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/KatalogInfo"} ---------------------- You can read directly the following informations in your window: Shows the path of the catalogue on the medium. Name of the catalogue. Don't confuse with the name of the file. Length Shows the length of the original picture on the medium. Date of creation Shows the date of creation of the catalogue. Latest change Shows the latest date of changing of the catalogue. Number of images Shows the quantity of the miniature pictures in the catalogue. Stamp size Shows the width and heigth of the miniature pictures in this catalogue. Colour or Grey Number of the colours or greyscales in this catalogue. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterBilder" "The picture window" @TOC "MAIN" @{"The picture window" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/ImageWnd"} ================== The picture window shows all miniature pictures which are loaded and converted successful. The information window indicates further infos about the picture by simply clicking on the required picture provided that the information picture has been opened at first. Also the picture will showed in the zoom window if you have opened it before. You can change the picture window as you like and you will get a larger overview of your picture collection and you will find faster your picture. After changing of the size the window will be set automatically on the best size for the miniature picture. On the right side of the window you can jump in the catalogue by using of a slider by that you make progress faster. When you are working with different categories you can see the actual category on the window bar. In diesem Fenster sind Kn pfe, womit Sie das Bilderfenster beeinflussen k nnen. Darunter f llt z.B. auch das Bl ttern im Katalog. Die Kn pfe werden von Links nach Rechts erkl Mit diesem Knopf ffnen Sie ein Fenster mit den vorhanden Kategorien. Bei Anwahl einer Katagorie wird das Bilder Fenster mit den Bildern der gew hlten Katgorie aktualisiert. M< to the previous marked picture |< to the beginning of the catalogue respectively the category << to the previous page < to the previous line > to the next line >> to the next page >| to the end of the catalogue respectively the category >M to the next marked picture ALL All pictures in the catalogue respectively in the category will be marked. NONE No picture in the catalogue respectively in the category will be marked. Pictures are marked before are losing their availability and after that they are no more marked. TOGGLE All pictures are marked will be invalid and after that they are no more marked. All pictures are not marked will be marked now. INFO It will be showed the facts about the picture and additional text informations according to each opened window. ZOOM It will be showed the facts about the picture and additional text informations about that according to each opened window. Moreover it will be showed an enlargement of the picture in a separate window. You can enlarge or reduce the window in the 24 Bit mode at your's pleasure. View The picture will be showed either with an external program or with the internal programs. Please see also the adjustments "external viewers". MARK The picture will be marked by selecting, the letters will be put on blue background. The marked pictures could be surrendered to a certain function for examble to file the pictures of a category or to delete etc. ... Drag & Drop Das Ziehen und Umsetzen eines Bildes, mit der Maus. PopUpMen Nach dem Anklicken dieses Buttons, erscheint beim Klick auf ein Bild im geladenen Katalog ein Aufklappmen zur Bildweiterverarbeitung. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterBildInfo" "Picture informations" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Picture informations" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/ImageInfo"} ==================== It's mentioned all standard informations about the picture. Standard informations --------------------- The window was subdivided three times again for a better overview. In the upper area you can see the name, the path and the category. In the middle area you can see all informations about the picture (size, format etc.). In the below area you can enter an additional notice which will be saved also in the notice field of the file of the miniature picture. You can ask this information by using of a file program (for examble: DirOpus). Upper area ---------- Shows the name of the pictures. The path of the picture where you can find the original picture on your medium. Category You can see to which category your picture belongs. Middle area ----------- Date of creation of the original pictures. Stamp date Date of creation of the miniature pictures. Format The graphic format of the pictures. Resolution Shows the width and heigth in pixels of the pictures. PAspect Shows the proportion (width to heigth) of the picture. Depth Depth of the picture, indicates the quantity of colours. Length Shows the length of the pictures on the medium. Number Shows the number (quantity) of the pictures in this catalogue. Under area ---------- Enter field (comment) Place for a short information text about the picture. You can type at most 80 signs into it. The text will be saved in the "comment" part of the stamp file. This is advantageous to using this text as a help in programs like "DirOpus" for examble. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterTextInfo" "Text Informationen" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Information Text" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/InfoText"} ================ In such window you can enter further information textes, for examble a description of the picture or the origin of it. ListView Here is mentioned the written text. You can copy the required text into the enter line by double-clicking. You can mark the required line by a simply clicking on the mouse. String gadget Here you can change or write the textes new. Moreover the chosed text will be shown also here. The entered text will be added under the marked text. Wasn't marked any text the entered text will be added to the end of the list. It's possible to change the text by copying and changing the text from the list into the string gadget with a double-click on the mouse. The text will be deleted from the list. The entered text will be saved. Cancel The old text will be shown again. Close The window will be closed but the text won't be saved. You should save the text at first because the entered text will be lost for ever. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterPref" "Einstellungs Fesnter" @TOC "MAIN" Preferences Window ==================== Here you can make all settings of ArtStudio. @{" ARexx Makros " LINK "FensterARexxMacros"} ARexx-Scripts lay on function-keys @{" Thumbnails " LINK "Thumbnails"} Picture-quality @{" External viewer " LINK "ExternalViewer"} External viewers @{" Program " LINK "Program"} Program settings @{" Scan process " LINK "Misc"} Additional informations while converting @{" External Programs " LINK "ExternalProgs"} Path of external programs @{" JPEG quality " LINK "JPEGQuality"} Setting JPEG quality @{" Modules " LINK "FensterModule"} Settings for the Loader, Saver and Viewer @{" HTML Preferences " LINK "HTMLPREFS"} For creating of HTML-Documents The listed gadgets below are valid for all setting-windows. Saving Here it will be used and saved the program adjustments. The preferences window will be closed. Using Here it will be used the program adjustments but not saved. The preferences window will be left. Cancel (stop) All adjustments which you have made will be rejected and the preferences window will be closed. @ENDNODE @NODE "Program" "Programm Einstellungen" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Program" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/PrefsProgram"} -------- In this section you can adjust changings at the ArtStudio program which are not busy directly with the pictures. Loader Error When an error has occured while loading pictures, it's possible to ignore this error report with this switch. For examble a picture CD don't contains pictures only so it is better to ignore this error report, also by memory shortage. It is also advantageous if you want to read in a CD-Rom all night long without getting an error report at picture no. 97 of 3000 next day and the time has been wasted. Picture Warn On: Shows when a picture format was not recognized. But it's like the "Loader Error". When searching picture CD's it doesn't exist pictures only but also programs and textes. A requester will be opened which will show the error. Off: When a format is unknown Artstudion continious working with the next file. This is advantageous if you want to let work your computer lonely. A requester won't be shown and Artstudio will be worked with the next picture at once. Fast Zoom You should switch on "Fast zoom" if you don't set a high value on the quality when enlarging pictures otherwise the enlarged picture will be loaded and calculated new. Prefs Is this option activated the program adjustments and the ARexx macro list will be saved separately for each catalogue. So you have the possibility to state several ARexx scripts for each base file or several screen sizes ... Dia Format On: Miniature pictures will show in a Dia-format. ArtStudio also displays the picture name and number in the catalogue. OFF: Miniature pictures will be shown side by side. Start-up By using "Start-up" you choose an ArtStudio catalogue which will be loaded at once when ArtStudio has been started. If you work mostly with only one catalogue the procedure of loading will be omitted after starting of the program. This makes it possible to choose the directory used by ArtStudio for the intermediate filing of files/calculations. When working with ADPro or later versions of ArtStudio you need a lot of memory. If you have enough memory you set "Temp" on "Ram" by that the picture manipulation will be faster. If you have not enough memory you should put "Temp" on the hard disc (for examble "Work:") where are minimal 8 MB disc memory free. When the pictures are larger you should have more disc memory. PRIORITY Each program in the multitasking system has a certain priority which indicates the processing time for that program. When the priority is high the program will get more processing time to work faster. The disadvantage is that other programs will be neglected when the prio- rity is too high and it will be impossible to work with them. If you want to let work ArtStudio in the background you should use a priority of -1 or -3. If ArtStudio will be used alone or it has to work all night long you should use a priority of 3 or 5 by that Art- Studio could be faster. How much faster please test it by yourself. STARTING AREXX You have 2 chances to start ARexx scripts from ArtStudio. The first chance is the synchron mode that means the ARexx script will be worked and after finishing, it's possible again to work with ArtStudio. The other chance is the asynchron mode that makes it possible to start an ARexx script during working without waiting for the ending of the ARexx script. In that case it will be renounced of any result. Moreover in the asynchron mode you can control ArtStudio by Art- Studio, for examble to change the preferences. @ENDNODE @NODE "Thumbnails" "Bild Einstellungen" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Thumbnails" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/PrefsThumbnails"} ---------- Here you can do all these adjustments which produces an impression on the pictures directly. You can decide between "ON", "OFF" and "INT" (interactiv). Border Lays a boarder around the picture. You can decide between "ON", "OFF" and "INT". When the function was set to interactiv, you will be asked at each picture again if you want to lay a boarder around the stamp. PixelAspect The picture will be reduced according to its proportion. When it is activ the picture will be reduced on the adjusted size even it follows a distortion of this picture. You can decide between "ON", "OFF", "INT". Dither It switchs on the dithering mode which will optimize the quality of the reduced picture. When the mode was set to OFF the processing rate of the pictures will be higher. You can decide between "ON", "OFF", "INT". BackgroundColour When PixelAspect is activated it can happens often that the stamps are smaller than the pretended picture size. You can fill in the blanks with the chosed colour by using "Colour". You can decide between "GREY", (background colour), "BLACK" and "WHITE". Category You can decide between "OFF", "INTERACTIVE", "AUTOMATIC". When the mode was set to interactive you can choose the category for each picture. Interpolation By using the interpolation function you wil receive a much more better quality of the thumbnails, that`s usefull for ClipArts. @ENDNODE @NODE "ExternalViewer" "Externe Anzeigeprogramme" @TOC "MAIN" @{"External viewer" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/PrefsExViewer"} --------------- ArtStudio allows you to show all graphics by external viewers. To activate these external "viewers" you have to choose the respectively check button ("ON" you will see) and it has to enter a path for the respectively viewer. By this way it is possible to add new graphic boards into ArtStudio or to show pictures faster and in more high-graded quality. You have to use the external programs only when the respectively switch and the main switch are activated. When one of both isn't activ it will be used the internal viewer. The main switch turns off all external viewers and only the internal viewer will be used. There is also an external UNIVERSAL VIEWER, which is valid for all graphic formats. You have the following possiblyties: OFF: The universal viewer will not use. On : If you don`t have declared an external viewer, the univeral viewer will be started. All: Artstudio uses the universal viewer in every case, it doesn`t matter if you have chosen an external viewer or not for a specified graphicformat. @ENDNODE @NODE "JPEGQuality" "JPEG Einstellung" @TOC "MAIN" @{"JPEG Qualit t" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/PrefsJPEG"} Here you can set the desired JPEG quality. Our experience is that a JPEG- quality of 85% brings the best solutions. @ENDNODE @NODE "HTMLPREFS" "Erstellen von WEBSeiten" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Erstellen von Webseiten"} Hiermit k nnen Bild und Parameterangaben an den WEBDesigner bergeben werden zum erstellen von WEBSeiten. WEB-Designer ============ Mit diesem Feature von ArtStudio Professional erhalten Sie die M glichkeit eigene HTML-Kataloge f r Ihre HomePage oder zum Privaten gebrauch zu erstellen. Web-Designer enth lt eine vielzahl von Einstellungen, damit Sie die HTML-Seiten nach Ihren w nschen gestalten k nnen. Hier nun die einzelnen Einstellungen und ihre Bedeutung. Gallerie Title -------------- Hier geben Sie den Title Ihres HTML-Katalog an. Text: Das ist die einfachste Variante um einen Title anzugeben. Der hier eingetragene Text wird als Title in den HTML-Seiten verwendet. Bild: Bei dieser Einstellung wird ein Bild in das HTML-Katalog eingebunden. Zum Beispiel k nnen Sie hier Ihr Logo angeben. HTML: Mit dieser Einstellung erhalten Sie die M glichkeit eigene HTML-Scripte einzubinden, die als Title fungieren. Dadurch k nnen Sie gr ere Texte angeben, aber auch verschiedene Grafiken oder sogar beides gleichzeitig. Sie sollten sich allerdings die HTML-Scriptsprache aneignen um eigene HTML-Scripte zu erstellen. Name von HTML-Datei ------------------- Geben Sie hier den Basisnamen an, der als Dateiname dient. Im allgemeinen wird "index" als Basisname gew hlt, aber wenn schon eine Datei mit diesem Basisnamen existiert, dann k nnen Sie einen anderen Angeben, aber denken Sie bitte daran, da der Name nicht l nge als 20 Zeichen beanspruchen darf, da noch K rzel wie ".html" usw. hinzugef gt werden. Zielverzeichnis --------------- Der der Name schon verr t, geben Sie hier das Zielverzeichnis an, wo sp die HTML-Dateien und die Bilder geschrieben werden sollen. Es wird ein Verzeichnis mit dem Namen, den Sie vorher unter Gallerie Titel->Text angegeben haben, erstellt. In diesem Verzeichnis k nnen Sie dann sp ter die kompletten Daten finden. Hintergrund ----------- Damit k nnen Sie den Hintergrund Ihrer HTML-Seiten beeinflussen. Farbe: Der Hintergrund wird in der angegeben Farbe dargestellt. Z.B.: ffffff ist gleich Weiss und 000000 entspricht Schwarz Dabei entsprechen diese Werte den RGB-Werte. Die ersten beiden Ziffern beziehen sich auf die Farbe Rot, die chsten beiden Ziffern auf dir Farbe Gr n und die letzten Beiden auf die Farbe Blau. Also: ff0000 -> Rot 00ff00 -> Gr 0000ff -> Blau ffff00 -> Gelb 800000 -> mittel Rot 008000 -> mittel Gr 000080 -> mittel Blau ffffff -> Wei 000000 -> Schwarz 808080 -> mittel Grau 404040 -> dunktel Grau Dieses Schema Basisiert auf die Hexadezimalzahlen. 0 = 0 10 = 16 1 = 1 20 = 32 2 = 2 30 = 48 3 = 3 40 = 64 4 = 4 50 = 80 5 = 5 60 = 96 6 = 6 70 = 112 7 = 7 80 = 128 8 = 8 90 = 144 9 = 9 a0 = 160 a = 10 b0 = 176 b = 11 c0 = 192 c = 12 d0 = 218 d = 13 e0 = 234 e = 14 f0 = 240 f = 15 WEB-Bilder ---------- Hier befinden sich verschiedene Grafiken, wie z.B. Kn pfe, die sp in Ihren HTML-Katalog erscheinen. Geben Sie das Verzeichnis an, von wo aus die Bilder kopiert werden. ArtStudio bietet Ihnen 4 verschiedene Designs an Kn pfen an. Sie k aber auch Ihre eigenen Kn pfe erstellen und f r Ihre HTML-Kataloge verwenden, Sie m ssen nur alle ben tigten Grafiken in ein Verzeichnis legen und mit den gleichen Namen versehen. Tabellen Einstellung -------------------- Geben Sie hier an, wie viele Bilder auf einer HTML-Katalog-Seiten erscheinen sollen, bzw. wie Gro der Abstand zwischen den einzelnen Bildern sein soll. Spalten: Gibt an, wie viele Bilder in einer Reihe sein d rfen. Zeilen: Gibt an, wie viele Bilder untereinander sein d rfen. Breite: Gibt den Abstand zwischen den einzelnen Bildern an. Textinformation --------------- Hiermit k nnen zus tzliche Informationen zu den Bildern angegeben werden. Name: Der Name des Bildes wird mit angegeben. Datum: Das Erstellungsdatum des Bildes wird mit angegeben. Die L nge des Bildes wird mit angegeben. Web-Design ---------- ArtStudio bietet Ihnen die M glichkeit zwischen drei verschienden HTML-Designs zu w hlen. Darunter befindet sich ein Design f r HTML-Seiten ohne Rahmen und zwei mit Rahmen. Am Besten Sie testen die verschiedenen Design aus, um festzustellen welches Design Ihnen am Besten gef Ob Ihr Browser Rahmen unterst tzt entnehmen bitte der Anleitung Ihres WEB-Browser. Breite vom Men Dieser Wert ist nur f r interessant, wenn Sie ein HTML-Design mit Rahmen w hlen, da hier die Breite des jeweiligen Men rahmens angegeben wird. Original Bilder ins Zielverzeichnis kopieren -------------------------------------------- Diese Funktion ist interessant f r Anwender, die Ihre HTML-Kataloge auch f r das WWW zug nglich machen m chten. Wenn Sie aber die HTML-Kataloge f r Ihre privaten Zwecke nutzen, dann ist es nicht tig s mtliche Bilder auf Ihren Datentr ger ein zweites mal zu Speichern. @ENDNODE @NODE "Misc" "Verschiedenes" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Misc" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/PrefsMisc"} PROGRESS INDICATOR The status display informs you how long a process has been made progress. By that you can see how long it will takes time. For examble the status display will be used when loading pictures. When the status display isn't activ the working will be any faster. IMAGE INFO When it was activated a window will be opened while Artstudio working a picture which states each name and each picture size. PREVIEW If you set the cycle gadget to "Window on" Artstudio will shown every thumbnails after converting and not after finish the whole scan process. PICTURE EXISTS Here you can set what ArtStudio has to do when a picture has been converted already. NEXT The picture will be ignored and Artstudio goes on working with the next picture. CONVERT The picture will be worked and the old picture will be replaced. INTERACTIV A requester will be opened and you can decide exactly what have to do with each picture. INTERMEDIATE SAVING For all that high carefulness it could be happen in rarely cases that a graphic format will be recognized but it is not the right format and the system will break down. In order to avoid unnecessary working you can adjust here the intermediate saving of the catalogue by ArtStudio after a certain number of pictures has been converted. Therefore you can make eventually damages so low as possible. Tree Scan When the tree scan is on function, all sub directories will be also searched when loading pictures. Otherwise only the chosed directory without sub directories will be searched. IMAGE INDICATOR Before ArtStudio starts converting the pictures it will be found out at first the quantity of file enterings on the medium. By that you get a overview during converting where the program stands and how long it takes to read all pictures. Is the indicator not activated ArtStudio will be began with working at once but the number of files won't be shown. SAVE ALL... here you can declare after how many pictures ArtStudio should save the catalogue the first time. Auto Kategorie Bei eingeschalteten Zustand wird die Verzeichnisstruktur Ihres Daten- gers als Kategorie-Baum erstellt. Beim sp teren Auffinden der Bilder nnen Sie dann anhand der Kategorie-Struktur den Pfad erkennen. @ENDNODE @NODE "ExternalProgs" "Externe Programme" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Externe Programme" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/PrefsExProgs"} Here you have to declare the path of the external programs. LhA: A well-known cruncher, which is needed to decrunch Lha-archives and search them for pictures. Normaly the Lha-program was stored in C: directory LXZ: A new variant of a cruncher, which is needed to decrunch Lzx-archives. Normaly the Lzx-program was stored in C: directory Sources for the needed programs --------------------------------------------- LhA: MeetingPearls 4 pearls/arc/Archiver/LHA LZX: MeetingPearls 4 pearls/arc/Archiver/LZX Of course, all programs are avaible direct from the AMINET. Also you can get all these programs from our SupportMailbox Phone: +49 421 43 88 29 online 24h 28800 42bis @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterSelelctCategory" "Kategorie w hlen" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Selecting category" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/SelectCategory"} (Select Category) ================== The miniature pictures can be filed in several categories. You can choose the category which at you would like to work. By leaving this window the pictures will be put out from the selected category. ListView Here you can choose the category which you would like to show. It confirms the entered datas. Cancel The entering won't be accepted. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterEditCategory" "Kategorien bearbeiten" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Editing category" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/EditCategory"} (Edit Category) ================ Here the categories will be created. It's possible to arrange the categories hierarchically. If you put your holiday pictures in a file you can arrange the pictures by classification into categories for examble. The top category is called "holidays" for examble. "Holidays" will be subdivided in "summer pictures" and "winter pictures". Then "summer pictures" will be subdivided in "beach pictures" and "hotel pictures". And "beach pictures" will be subdivided in "sunrise" and "sunset". You can continue it at will. On this way for examble, you can select certain parts of the picture file exactly for showing Please see also "Selecting Category". ListView: Here are the still existing categories. If you would like to add more categories you choose one category to which another category has to be attached. By double-clicking with your mouse on the selected category the category will be copied into the -string gadget-. String Gadget When the window is activ it is possible to activate the string gadget by using the enter key. The chosed category from ListView will be renamed. You have here the possibility if you have written the name of the category wrong or if you want to rename the category later. It deletes a category from the list. But it is only possible when the category contains no stamps. The first category cannot be deleted. When a text was entered into the string gadget now you can add a category by using the "ADD" button. By that the new category has the same depth like the selected before. It seems more complexier as it is. Please see the following examble: Examble ------- Lists of categories ------------------- * Holidays * Summer * Sunrise selected category * Winter String Gadget ------------- * Sunset A new category will be inserted by using the "ADD" button. New list of categories ---------------------- * Holidays * Summer * Sunrise selected category * Sunset new category * Winter When a text was entered into the string gadget you can add a category by using the "SUB" button. By that the new category is now a sub category of the selected category before. An examble for this ------------------- Lists of categories ------------------- * Holidays * Summer selected category * Winter String Gadget ------------- * Sunrise A new category will be inserted by using the "SUB" button. New list of categories ---------------------- * Holidays * Summer selected category * Sunrise new category * Winter Herewith you end the creating of categories and you close the window. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterMain" "Hauptfenster" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Main window" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/Main"} =========== Please choose on the menuebar the main-entry "Window" and there the sub menue-point "MAIN" In this window there are many graphical buttons which have the following functions: The top button on the right side makes possible to create the window in vertical respectively horizontal position. Therefore you can arrange the positioning of the window easier and you can find always any place. When we go from the left to the right side respectively from the top to the bottom we will get the following functions: * Create new catalog. * Open an existing catalog * Add more pictures to the catalog. * Calls on this help. * Put out datas about the catalog. * Opens a window includes informations about ArtStudio. * Shut down ArtStudio @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterTools" "Werkzeuge" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Tools" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/Tools"} ===== In this window there are many graphical buttons which have the same function like these from the menue "Images -> marked -> ...". The function of each button will be made clear by a graphical symbol. The top button on the right side enables the creation of the window in vertical respectively horizontal position. Therefore you can arrange the positioning of the window easier and you can find always any place. The functions influence only marked pictures, all other pictures will be ignored. When we go from the left to the right side respectively from the top to the bottom we will get the following functions: * Showing pictures * Arranging pictures of a category * Hand over pictures to an ARexx function * List all marked pictures * Copying * Converting * Deleting @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterOperator" "Bildbearbeitung" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Picture manipulation" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/Operator"} ==================== In this window you can work with all pictures in the catalogue and save on any medium under different name. Before you can load a picture at first you must mark a picture in the thumbnail window after this you use the "load" button. Then the first marked picture will be load and can be displayed or manipulated. If you would like to work a picture you can do it by double-clicking with your mouse on the belonging name of the picture manipulation function and the picture will be already provided with effects or will be reduced or ... Please see also "Modules of picture manipulation". You should never forget to set the memory of the loaded pictures free again because your system will not have enough memory when you want to add further pictures in your catalogue or you want to start other programs. The first marked picture will be loaded into a separate memory place by using this button. The picture will be saved into the mentioned index with the selected saving module. The picture will be showed with the selected viewer module. The memory for the picture will be set free and the datas will be lost. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterModule" "Lade-, Speicher- und Anzeigemodule" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Modules" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/Module"} ======= In this window all loading, saving and viewing modules will be showed. You are able to choose quickly between the different modes. In the upper part you see all loading modes, in the middle part you see all saving modules and in the part below you see all viewing modes. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterFensterleiste" "Fensterleiste" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Windowledge" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/Windows"} ========= Please select menu "Window" and there the sub menu point "Window" In this window there are many graphical buttons, which are for opening different windows. The highest right button enables you to move the window in horizontal and vertical direction. Therefore it`s much easier to place the window. If we go from the left to the right side respectively from the top to the bottom we will get the following functions: * Imageinformations * Textinformations * Operator window = picture manipulation * Zoom * ARexx buttonsbar * Main window toolsbar * Toolsbar for viewing, catalogize a.s.o @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterCreateNew" "FensterCreateNew" @TOC "MAIN" @{"New catalogue" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/CreateNew"} ============= In this window you can declare the basicsettings of a new catalogue. Here you can set the size of the stamps, the number of colors and also the name of the catalogue. Stamp Size Sets the size of the stamps Possible sizes are: 32x24, 64x48, 96x72, 128x96,160x120, 192x144 and 256x192 Colors With AGA-computer or with graphic boards you can use a larger palette. With the color-cyclegadget you can select how many color you want for the stamps. possible colors are: ECS AGA graphic boards with CyberGFX Color 16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Color 256 No Yes Yes Yes Grey 16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Grey 32 NUYes Yes Yes Yes Grey 64 No Yes Yes Yes Grey 128 No Yes Yes Yes Grey 256 No Yes Yes Yes HAM6 NUYes Yes NUYes No HAM8 No Yes NUYes No 24 BIT No No No Yes No --> this variante isn`t avaible Yes --> this variante can be used NUYes--> This variante can used but with restrictions. If you use the ECS-chipset you can use the modes grey 32 and HAM6 with 640 pixels only in combination with AUTOSCROLL on the screenwidth of 320 pixels. With the Picasso graphic board it`s also possible to use the HAM-Modes. catalogue name Here you can choose the name of the catalogue, which will print in the Artstudio window later. The name for the file on the data medium have to type in separatly, but you can use the same as the catalogue name. Saver Bei 24-Bit Katalogen sind folgende Saver-Module m glich. - IFFDEEP/schnell - YUVN / mittel - JPEG / wenig --- SPEICHERVERBRAUCH --- Create New If you have chosen size and color for the stamps you are now able to create the file. A filerequester will open and after you have type in the filename the catalogue will create on the selected data medium. Cancel If you don`t want to create a new catalogue, you can break the whole process with the cancel button and the old catalogue is now actually again. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterSearch" "FensterSearch" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Search Window" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/Search"} (Search) ============= Please select menu "IMAGES" and there menupoit "SEARCH" Here you have the avaiblity to search for pictures. In the string gadget you have to declare the picturename, wildcards are also allowed. E.g. you search for pictures with the ending ".jpg". Please type in the following in the string gadget: #?.jpg If you now press the search button Artstudio will mark all pictures in the catalogue which are ending on ".jpg". You didn`t have to watch out for capital or small letters. ArtStudio can also search for e.g. width, height and depth. width Please type in the width which Artstudio has to look for into the string gadget (von "from" and bis "to"). If you search for a certain width e.g. 320 then type in 320 in both string gadgets. height Please type in the height which Artstudio has to look for into the string gadget (von "from" and bis "to"). If you search for a certain width e.g. 320 then type in 320 in both string gadgets. depth Here you can see two sliders to select the desired depth. If you like to search for picture with a detph from 1 to 8 (2 - 256 colors) then please set the "from" slider to 1 and the "to" slider to 8. If you only search picture in 24 bit depth (16.8 mil. colors) than you have to set both silders to 24. colortables ----------- BITS COLORS 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256 9 512 10 1024 11 2048 12 4096 13 8192 14 16384 15 32768 16 65536 17 131072 18 262144 19 524288 20 1048576 21 2097152 22 4194304 23 8388608 24 16777216 Graphic format Here you can select the graphic format which you are looking for. category Here you can declare which category you want to search for. If you select the category "ROOT", Artstudio searchs for the declared specifications in the whole catalogue. In this string gadget you have to type in the name or a shortcut of the picture which you are looking for. Also you can use wildcards to declare the name. With the wildcards you can shorten the picture name or you can search for endings. example ------- You are looking for pictures with ending ".IFF", then you must type in the following : "#?.IFF". The characters "#?" are called wildcards, for further information about wildcards please read the "technical termes"-> Wildcards or read the Amiga system handbook. if you search for pictures which containing the characters combination "WAT" in their name, then type in "#?WAT#?". Here you can use the same shortscuts which have been declared above. But it all applies to the picture path. The path function is very useful to search for pictures in a directory or on a CD.Simply declare the path and all picture which Artstudio finds will be marked. example ------- You like to search for all the pictures on the harddisk "Bilder:", then you have to type in "Bilder:#?" in the string gadget called path. date from Each picture on your harddisk, CD etc. contains a date. The date shows you at what time you have saved it or put it on your harddisk, CD, etc. If you looking for pictures which have been saved on a specified date you have to type in the respective date in the enterfield. Please ensure that you have type in the right date format, if you don`t have it Artstudio can`t work with your input. date formats ------------ DD-MM-YY D->day M->month Y->year always two-digits !!! 01-01-96 1. January 1996 15-03-95 15. March 1995 Date to The same function like "date from" but the different is, that this function is searching until it reach the date you have typed in and "date from" search from the date you have typed in. If you are looking for a certain date you have to type in the same date in both string gadgets (date from, date to) What would you like to search for ? ----------------------------------- If you have finished your input, you should also select the needed search-criterion If you search for several criterions, the individual criterion will filter by the logical function AND. That means, if only all criterions be right then the picture will be marked. Search The search was started. All picture which Artstudio has found will be marked. Marked pictures are recognizeable by white writing under blue background. Before you try to start the search, no picture should be marked. Unless you want to make serveral searches to mark different pictures and then delete, copy etc. all the marked pictures. Cancel Artstudio ignores your settings and the window will close. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterSort" "Sortieren Fenster" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Sortwindow" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/Sort"} ========== Please select menu "IMAGES" and there menupoint "Sort" It makes your search easier if you sorts the pictures before start looking for some pictures. Artstudio gives you 8 possibilities to sort your picture-catalogue: "Name","Path","Depth","Resolution","Date","Stampdate","Graphicformat" and "length" Categories are sorted by themselves. Artstudio sort the catalogue first by categories. For example: you have delcared two categories the first named "Holiday" and the second named "Friends". After sorting Arstudio will show you the "Friends" category with the including stamps sorted from A to Z and then the "Holiday" category with it`s stamps from A to Z. Sorting possibilities ----------------------- Here you can select according to which the basefile has to sort. Mostly, you will sort it by picture name that makes it easier to look for a certain picture. Also interesting is, to sort the catalogue by the picture path, therefore all picture of a directory will be together. File was sorted by name File was sorted by picture path Picture depth (number of colors) File was sorted by color depth of the pictures Resolution File was sorted by picture size, first Artstudio sorts by picture width and the by picture height. File was sorted by creation date of the original picture. StampDate File was sorted by creation date of the miniature pictures. Format File was sorted by the graphicformat of the picture. Order of the graphicformat is:IFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PCX, IMPULSE, RENDITION, SUNRASTER, X, SGI, TARGA, TIFF, PHOTOCD, PBM, PGM, PPM, etc... Length File was sorted by picture length. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterARexx" "ARexx Fenster" @TOC "MAIN" @{"ARexx Window" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/ARexx"} ============ Please select menu "ArtStudio" and there menupoint "Arexx execute" Here you can start the ARexx-scripts. Sometimes, you want to start a ARexx-script which you don`t use so often. This is when the ARexx window comes in, here you can select and start the specified script. If you don`t like to declare the path and the ARexx-script name after each programstart, then you should save the preferences once more. Therefore Artstudio saves the path, name and the parameters, too. StringGadget Input Text. Here you have to type in the path and name of the ARexx-script. Of course, you can hand over all needed parameters, too Also see section "Handing over parameter" GetFile Opens a filerequester, here you can choose the path and filename of the ARexx-script. Execute The Arexx-script was executed. If you have selected the Asynchrone Mode in the preferences, then the ARexx-script will be started as an own task. That means you can go on working with Artstudio. Therefore you can start a ARexx-script which controls Artstudio itself. There are no limits for you. Cancel The input was breaked and the window will close. The path and name of the ARexx-script which you have selected before, will not lose. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterARexxMacros" "ARexx Macros" @TOC "MAIN" @{"ARexx Macros" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/ARexxMacro"} ============ Please select menu "ArtStudio" and there menupoint "Preferences" and than submenupoint "Arexx macros" Here you can set a ARexx-script which you use very often on the keys F1 to F10. Therefore you can start or change comfortable and very quick Artstudio`s functions or external programs. In all, you can set 40 functions on the F-Keys, this is possible if you use the F-keys in combination with the keys SHIFT and CONTROL. F1 to F10 ---------- If you click the "GetFile" button you can select a ARexx-script via a filerequester. Alternatively, you can type in the path and name of the ARexx-script direct if you use the string gadgets on the right hand of the Getfile-buttons. Just as well you can type in all the needed parameters. also see section "Handing-over parameters" Here you can declare for each ARexx-script a own name. Which is shown in the "ARexx-buttons" window. This make it easier to look for the right ARexx-script and you get a better overview. CycleGadget With this you can change the respective combination. You can select: functionkey only, Shift with functionkey, CONTROL with functionkey and a combination Control + SHIFT + functionkey. Saves the keydeclaration of the F1 to F10 keys into the preferences directory. The window will be closed after this. Artstudio uses the data which you have typed in but the setting won`t saved. Cancel The new settings will ignore and the previous settings will be retained. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterARexxButtons" "ARexx Kn @TOC "MAIN" @{"ARexx Buttons" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/ARexxButton"} ============= Here you can see the functionkeys as Gadgets, once more. Also you can see a small description which is for explaining the ARexx-script behind the gadget. The ten buttons agree with the ten functionkeys, with the cyclegadget you can reach the other 30 ARexx-scripts. The Scripts can be starting with the SHIFT and Control-key or with their combination. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterPrint" "Drucken Fenster" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Print window" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/Print"} ============ If you like to print the catalogue, here you can do every settings you like, for this. It isn`t only possible to print the data`s on a printer you can also print the data`s in a window or in a file on a data medium. If you try to print the first time, you should use the setting "Define Output=Window" therefore you can see previously if data`s are in right layout, would Artstudio print the right data`s and so on. That saves time and paper. What should I print You can select between the whole catalogue, a certain category, simply informations about the catalogue and so on. Full Category Informations about the catalogue and whole data of the miniature pictures will be printed. Only Category Informations about the catalogue and the selected category without further subdirectories of the category will be printed. Tree Category Informations about the catalogue and the selected category with all subdirectories of the category will be printed. Define Output Here you can choose where the data`s should be printed out. Printer The data`s will be sent on a printer. Thereby Artstudio uses the printersettings of the Workbench. The data`s will be printed on a data medium (e.g. harddisc). A file requester opens and you can select the desired path and filename. window The data`s will be printed in a window on the ArtStudio screen. Select the entries Here you can select what has to be printed. You have the choice between one und six lines of text. 1. line Name and category 2. line Path 3. line Date and Stampdate 4. line Graphicformat, picture solution and picture depth 5. line Pixel Aspect, length(of the orig. picture) and number, 6. line Commentary Print The output of the data`s has been started. According to the settings the data`s will print on a printer (Workbench printersettings are important), or as file on any data medium. Therefore you can work with the data`s by using other programs. If you use the setting "window" the data`s will print in a window on the Artstudio screen. You can use that function to get a short overview before you print the data`s on the printer. Cancel The data`s won`t be printed and the window will close, now. Your settings won`t be set back and will be maintain @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterDelete" "Was soll gel scht werden?" @TOC "MAIN" @{"What would you like to delete ?" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/Delete"} =============================== With this menupoint you can delete the selected stamps. Also you can choose whether the miniature picture, the original picture or both have to delete. But remember, you can`t delete pictures from read only data mediums like CD and so on. * stamp only: The miniature picture will be deleted, only. The original picture won`t delete. * Stamp & picture : The miniature picture and the original picture will be deleted * picture only : The miniature picture survies but original will be deleted. Delete The input will confirm and after a security interrogation the stamps and/or the original picture will be deleted according to the settings. Cancel Artstudio ignores the whole input and close the delete window. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterImageExist" "Bild ist schon vorhanden" @TOC "MAIN" @{"Stamp exist" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/ExistWnd"} (Stamp exist) =========== If a picture already exist in the catalogue, this requester will pop up and ask you what is to do with this pictures. Artstudio doesn`t manage pictures whom existing twice. That means if name and path of the picture is identical with the existing one in the catalogue file. DO IT The picture will be converted new and the data`s will be written in already existing place in the catalogue file. If you have two different pictures but they have the same name and path the old one will be overwritten, irrevocable. The requester will pop up each time if Artstudio found an equal picture in the catalogue. DO ALL The same function like "Do it" but the different is, that the requester will pop up once more only. After your selection all older pictures will replace with the new ones. The picture won`t be converted. The requester will pop up on every existing picture. SKIP ALL The picture won`t be converted. The requester will pop up once more only. After that all further picture won`t be converted. @ENDNODE @NODE "FensterAbout" " ber ArtStudio" @TOC "MAIN" @{"About" SYSTEM "MultiView pics/About"} (About) ===== Here you can see the Address of MotionStudio and the telefonnumber of the hotline and for improvement suggestions. Also you can see the serial number which you have to mention if you like to claim the hotline. You can close the About-window with a any key or witch o mouseclick on the OK-button. @ENDNODE @NODE "MenueMain" "Das ArtStudio Men @TOC "MAIN" Here a little introduction of the ArtStudio menus ================================================= @{" ArtStudio " LINK "Men ArtStudio"} @{" Cataloge " LINK "Men Katalog"} @{" Images " LINK "Men Bilder"} @{" Mark " LINK "Men Markieren"} @{" Leaf through " LINK "Men ttern"} @{" Window " LINK "Men Fenster"} @ENDNODE @NODE "Men ArtStudio" "ArtStudio Men leiste" @TOC "MAIN" ArtStudio Menubar ----------------- @{" ARexx execute " LINK "Men ARexxAusf hren"} @{" Screenmode " LINK "Men Screenmode"} @{" Preferences " LINK "Men Prefs"} @{" Help " LINK "Men Hilfe"} @{" about... " LINK "Men ber"} @{" Save & quit " LINK "Men SaveBeenden"} @{" Quit " LINK "Men Beenden"} @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Katalog" "Katalog Men leiste" @TOC "MAIN" Cataloge Menubar ---------------- @{" New " LINK "Men Neu"} @{" Open " LINK "Men ffnen"} @{" Import PM-Catalog " LINK "Men PictureManager"} @{" Load " LINK "Men Erweitern"} @{" ScanQuix3 " LINK "Men ScanQuix3"} @{" Check " LINK "Men fen"} @{" UpToDate " LINK "Men Aktualisieren"} @{" Print " LINK "Men Drucken"} @{" Maincategory " LINK "Men Hauptkategorie"} @{" Select category " LINK "Men KategorieW hlen"} @{" Edit category " LINK "Men KategorieBearbeiten"} @{" Delete " LINK "Men schenKat"} @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Bilder" "Bilder Men leiste" @TOC "MAIN" Images Menubar -------------- @{" Information " LINK "Men StampInfo"} @{" Zoom " LINK "Men StampZoom"} @{" Show " LINK "Men StampShow"} @{" Mark " LINK "Men StampMark"} @{" Drag&Drop " LINK "Men Drag&Drop"} @{" PopUpMen " LINK "Men PopUpMen @{" Search " LINK "Men Suchen"} @{" Sort " LINK "Men Sort"} @{" Marked " LINK "Men Mark"} @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Markieren" "Markieren Men leiste" @TOC "MAIN" Mark Menubar ------------ @{" All " LINK "Men MarkAll"} @{" None " LINK "Men MarkNone"} @{" Toggle " LINK "Men MarkInvert"} @{" Select range " LINK "Men Markrange"} @{" Select random " LINK "Men MarkRandom"} @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Drag&Drop" "Drag & Drop Men leiste" @TOC "MAIN" Drag & Drop =========== Mit dieser Funktion ist es jetzt m glich,in einem Katalog dargestellten Bilder,mit der Maus anzuklicken und bei gerdr ckter Maustaste ber eine Funktion zu ziehen und fallen zulassen. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PopUpMen " "PopUpMen leiste" @TOC "MAIN" PopUpMen leiste ---------------------- @{" Information " LINK "Men PopUpMen Info"} @{" Vergr ern " LINK "Men PopUpMen Zoom"} @{" Anzeigen " LINK "Men PopUpMen View"} @{" Markieren " LINK "Men PopUpMen Mark"} @{" Kategorie " LINK "Men PopUpMen Category"} @{" Kopieren " LINK "Men PopUpMen Copy"} @{" Konvertieren " LINK "Men PopUpMen Convert"} @{" Operator " LINK "Men PopUpMen Operator"} @{" ARexx " LINK "Men PopUpMen ARexx"} @{" L schen " LINK "Men PopUpMen Clear"} @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PopUpMen Info" "Information" @TOC "MAIN" Information =========== Bei Wahl dieses Men punktes,werden bei Anwahl eines Bildes im Bilderfenster,weitere Informationen ber das gew hlte Bild angezeigt. Falls das Informationsfenster noch nicht ge ffnet wurde,wird es bei der ersten Anwahl eines Bildes sofort ge ffnet. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PopUpMen Zoom" "Vergr @TOC "MAIN" Vergr ========== Bei Wahl diese Men punktes,wird bei Anwahl eines Bildes im Bilderfenster,da Bild als Vergr erung in einem separatem Fenster angezeigt. Falls das separate Fenster noch nicht ge ffnet wurde,wird es bei der ersten Anwahl eines Bildes sofort ge ffnet. Zus tzlich wird bei ge ffnetem Informationsfenster auch die Informationen ber das Bild angezeigt. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PopUpMen View" "Anzeigen" @TOC "MAIN" Anzeigen ======== Bei Wahl dieses Men punktes,wird bei Anwahl eines Bildes im Bilderfenster,da original Bild mit dem eingestellten Anzeige- Module oder mit dem externen Anzeigeprogramm angezeigt @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PopUpMen Mark" "Markieren" @TOC "MAIN" Markieren ========= Bei Wahl dieses Men punktes,wird das angew hlte Bild markiert. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PopUpMen Category" "Kategorie" @TOC "MAIN" Kategorie ========= Das angew hlte Bild,wird einer bestimmten Kategorie zugeordnet. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PopUpMen Copy" "Kopieren" @TOC "MAIN" Kopieren ======== Das angew hlte Bild wird kopiert. Dabei wird das Originalbild in ein zuvor gew hltes Verzeichnis kopiert. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PopUpMen Convert" "Konvertieren" @TOC "MAIN" Konvertieren ============ Das angew hlte Bild wird konvertiert.Dabei wird das Originalbild in ein zuvor gew hltes grafikformat gewandelt und dann in ein gew hltes Verzeichnis gespeichert. das Grafikformat k nnen Sie entweder im Module Fenster w hlen oder auch in den Einstellungen. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PopUpMen Operator" "Operator" @TOC "MAIN" Bildbearbeitungsfunktion ======================== Das angew hlte Bild kann mit einer von ber 40 Bildbearbeitungsfunktionen manipuliert werden. Bitte lesen Sie hierzu auch "ArtStudio Module" "Bildbearbeitungsmodule" Sie erfahren dort auch n here Angaben zu den einzelnen Effekten. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PopUpMen ARexx" "ARexx" @TOC "MAIN" ARexx ===== Hier k nnen Sie ein ARexx-Befehl eingeben. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PopUpMen Clear" "PopUpMen schen" @TOC "MAIN" schen ======= Mit diesem Men punkt k nnen Sie das angew hlte Bild l schen. Sie k nnen w hlen zwischen Basis und/oder Katalog l schen. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men ttern" "B ttern Men leiste" @TOC "MAIN" Leaf through Manubar -------------------- @{" first page " LINK "Men Top"} @{" last page " LINK "Men Bottom"} @{" previous page " LINK "Men PrePage"} @{" next page " LINK "Men NextPage"} @{" previous row " LINK "Men PreRow"} @{" next row " LINK "Men NextRow"} @{" previous mark " LINK "Men PreMark"} @{" next mark " LINK "Men NextMark"} @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Fenster" "Fenster Men leiste" @TOC "MAIN" Window Menubar -------------- @{" Further image window " LINK "Men FensterImageWindow"} @{" Image infomation " LINK "Men FensterBildInfo"} @{" Text information " LINK "Men FensterTextInfo"} @{" Operator " LINK "Men FensterOperator"} @{" Zoom " LINK "Men FensterZoom"} @{" ARexx " LINK "Men FensterARexx"} @{" Mainwindow " LINK "Men FensterMain"} @{" Tools " LINK "Men FensterTools"} @{" Windowledge " LINK "Men FensterFenster"} @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Sort" "Sortieren Men leiste" @TOC "MAIN" Sorting Menubar --------------- @{" Name " LINK "Men SortName"} @{" Path " LINK "Men SortPfad"} @{" Imagedepth " LINK "Men SortDepth"} @{" Solution " LINK "Men SortSolution"} @{" Date " LINK "Men SortDate"} @{" Stampdate " LINK "Men SortStampdate"} @{" Graphicformat " LINK "Men SortGrafikformat"} @{" Length " LINK "Men SortLength"} @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Mark" "Markierte Men leiste" @TOC "MAIN" Marking Menubar --------------- @{" Show " LINK "Men MarkShow"} @{" Category " LINK "Men MarkCategory"} @{" ARexx " LINK "Men MarkARexx"} @{" Print " LINK "Men MarkPrint"} @{" Text print " LINK "Men MarkPrint"} @{" GFX print " LINK "Men MarkGFXPrint"} @{" Copy " LINK "Men MarkCopy"} @{" Convert " LINK "Men MarkConvert"} @{" Export " LINK "Men MarkExport"} @{" LhA Archive " LINK "Men MarkLhA"} @{" LZX Archive " LINK "Men MarkLZX"} @{" Clear " LINK "Men MarkClear"} @ENDNODE @NODE "MenuScreenmode" "select screenmode" @TOC "MAIN" Here you can select a new screenmode. ArtStudio shows only the possible screenmodes for your catalogue to display. That means if you have opened a 256 color catalogue you can`t open a screen in 15, 16 or 24bit mode. If you are working with Ham-mode than you can only select a HAM-Screenmode. @ENDNODE @NODE "MenuARexxExecute" "ARexx executing" @TOC "MAIN" ARexx executing =============== Sometimes, you want to start a ARexx-script which you don`t use so often. This is when this function comes in, here you can select and start the specified script. If you don`t like to declare the path and the ARexx-script name after each programstart, then you should save the preferences once more. StringGadget ------------ Input Text. Here you have to type in the path and name of the ARexx-script. Of course, you can hand over all needed parameters, too Also see section "Handing-over parameters" GetFile ------- Opens a filerequester, here you can choose the path and filename of the ARexx-script. Execute ------- The Arexx-script will be executed. If you have selected the Asynchrone Mode in the preferences, then the ARexx-script will be started as an own task. That means you can go on working with Artstudio. Therefore you can start a ARexx-script which controls Artstudio itself. Cancel --------- The input was breaked and the window will close. The path and name of the ARexx-script which you have selected before, will not lose. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men ARexxMacros" "ARexx Macros" @TOC "MAIN" ARexx Macros ============ Here you can set a ARexx-script which you use very often on the keys F1 to F10. Therefore you can start or change comfortable and very quick Artstudio`s functions or external programs. In all, you can set 40 functions on the F-Keys, this is possible if you use the F-keys in combination with the keys SHIFT and CONTROL. ARexx Macros ============ F1 to F10 ---------- If you click the "GetFile" button you can select a ARexx-script via a filerequester. Alternatively, you can type in the path and name of the ARexx-script direct if you use the string gadgets on the right hand of the Getfile-buttons. Just as well you can type in all the needed parameters. also see section "Handing-over parameters" Cycle Gadget With this you can change the respective combination. You can select: functionkey only, Shift with functionkey, CONTROL with functionkey and a combination Control + SHIFT + functionkey. Saves the keydeclaration of the F1 to F10 keys into the preferences directory. The window will be closed after this. Artstudio uses the data which you have typed in but the setting won`t saved. Cancel The new settings will ignore and the previous settings will be retained. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men ber" " ber ArtStudio" @TOC "MAIN" About ArtStudio ============== Here you can see the Address of MotionStudios and the telefonnumber of the hotline and for improvement suggestions. Also you can see the serial number which you have to mention if you like to claim the hotline. You can close the About-window with any key or with a mouseclick on the OK-button. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Hilfe" "Hilfe" @TOC "MAIN" With this menupoint you can display this manual. Therefore you can get help online. @ENDNODE @NODE "MenuPrefs" "Settings" @TOC "MAIN" Settings ============= If you like to change the preferences of ArtStudio you have the possibility to do that with this menu point very easy. Here you can do all the settings with are important for using ArtStudio. Also see section worktop description "Settings" @ENDNODE @NODE "MenuBeenden" "Verlassen" @TOC "MAIN" ===== This function ends Artstudio after a security question. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men SaveBeenden" "Speichern und Verlassen" @TOC "MAIN" Save & Quit =========== This function ends Artstudio after a security question. Besides the settings will be saved before, with it Artstudio uses the old settings on the next startup. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Neu" "Neu" @TOC "MAIN" With this menupoint you can delcare the basic settings of a new basefile. Here you can set the stampsize, number of colors and also the name of the basefile. Shortly, herewith you can create a new catalogue. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men ffnen" " ffnen" @TOC "MAIN" This menupoint allows you to open a catalog. A filerequester appears and you can select the catalogue-path. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Erweitern" "Erweitern" @TOC "MAIN" Herewith you can add further pictures to the already loaded catalogue. According to the settings, you can load single pictures, directories or whole CD`s or harddisc`s @ENDNODE @NODE "Men ScanQuix3" "ScanQuix3" @TOC "MAIN" ScanQuix3 ========= Hiermit k nnen Sie direkt von der Scannereinheit ScanQuix3,eingescannte Bilder in den aktuellen geladenen Katalog hinzuf @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PictureManager" "Picture Manager" @TOC "MAIN" Picture Manager =============== Mit dieser Funktion k nnen Sie Kataloge aus dem Programm PictureManager direkt einbinden. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men fen" "Pr @TOC "MAIN" Check ===== Artstudio checks whether the original pictures of the catalogue still existing or they are deleted already. Herewith you can remove deleted pictures from the catalogue. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Aktualisieren" "Aktualisieren" @TOC "MAIN" UpToDate ======== Artstudio checks if the original picture has a recent date as the catalogue-picture. If that`s the case, Artstudio will update the catalogue-picture automatically @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Drucken" "Drucken" @TOC "MAIN" Print ===== If you select this menupoint a window appears, in which you can make different settings according to the output of the data`s. You have the choice between: Output on a printer, in a file or in a window on the screen. You should check the layout in a window, before you start the output on a printer or on a data medium, that`s saves time and honey*. (*Slogan of a german cartoonist named Ulli Stein) @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Hauptkategorie" "Hauptkategorie" @TOC "MAIN" Maincategory ============ If you have changed the category, in the meantime. With this menupoint you can go to the maincategory (Root). @ENDNODE @NODE "Men KategorieW hlen" "Kategorie w hlen" @TOC "MAIN" Choose category =============== If you work with serveral categories in a catalogue, with this menupoint you can choose the desired category in which you like to load further pictures or go on working. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men KategorieBearbeiten" "Men KategorieBearbeiten" @TOC "MAIN" Editcategory ============ If you have selected this menupoint a window appears in which you can type in different categories names or worked with existing categories. Also, you have the possiblity to organize the categories, hierarchical. For example you like to archive holiday-pictures, then you can use the following hierarchy: The first called holiday, holiday is subdivided in summer and winter pictures. Summer is subdivided in beach and hotel-pictures and beach is subdivided in sunrising and sundown and so on. also see surface description "Work category" @ENDNODE @NODE "Men schenKat" "Katalog l schen" @TOC "MAIN" Clear ===== Please use this menupoint with high caution, because it deletes all catalogue data`s in Ram and on harddisc, irrevocable. Artstudio ask you twice if you really want to delete the data`s after that Artstudio deletes the recognized data`s @ENDNODE @NODE "Men StampInfo" "Information" @TOC "MAIN" Information =========== If you have selected this menupoint, Artstudio will show a window in which you can see the specified data`s of the selected stamp. If you can`t see the information window after you have chose the menupoint, Artstudio will appears a window after clicking on a stamp. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men StampZoom" "Vergr @TOC "MAIN" If you select this menupoint Artstudio will show the selected stamp enlarged in a separate window. In addition, if you have already opened the information window, Artstudio will show the informations about the picture, also. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men StampShow" "Bilder anzeigen" @TOC "MAIN" If you choose this menupoint Artstudio will display each picture which you have selected. Therefore according to the setings Artstudio uses the internal viewer or the external viewer. @NODE "Men StampDrag&Drop" "Drag & Drop" Drag & Drop =========== Mit dieser Funktion ist es nun m glich,ein Miniaturbild anzuklicken und festzuhalten und es ber einer beliebigen Funktion wieder fallen zulassen. (Drag and Drop) @ENDNODE @NODE "Men StampPopUpMen " "PopUpMen PopUpMen ========= Mit einem Klick auf diese Funktion erschein nach dem Anklicken eines Miniaturbildes ein Rollfenster (PupUpMen ) aus dem dann die verschiedenen Eigenschaften wie zum Beispiel: Information Vergr Anzeigen Markieren Kopieren u.s.w. auszuw hlen sind. @ENDNODE @ENDNODE @NODE "Men StampMark" "Bilder markieren" @TOC "MAIN" If you have selected this menupoint, Artstudio will mark all pictures in the stamp window after you have clicked on it. The function enables you to delete, copy, converting etc. the specifically pictures. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Suchen" "Bilder suchen" @TOC "MAIN" Search ====== The searchwindow appears, here you can search for any criterium you like. The pictures which Artstudio has found will be marked, to make you a better overview. The marked pictures can be delete, copy convering etc. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkAll" "Alle Bilder markieren" @TOC "MAIN" All pictures are marked @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkNone" "Kein Bilder markiert" @TOC "MAIN" ===== All pictures are dismarked. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkInvert" "Markierte Bilder umkehren" @TOC "MAIN" Toggle ====== All marked pictures will set back and all dismarked pictures will be marked. That means, ON goes to OFF and OFF goes to ON. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkRange" "Markierte Bilder Bereich" @TOC "MAIN" Bereich ======= Hier kann angegeben werden, welcher Bereich "VON BIS oder BIS VON" Markiert oder Unmarkiert werden soll. Wie auch sonst wird immer nur die aktuelle Kategorie samt Unterkategorien behandelt. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkRandom" "Markierte Bilder Zufall" @TOC "MAIN" Zufall ====== Hier werden durch einen Zufallsgenerator zuf llig Bilder markiert b.z.w. unmarkiert. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Top" "erste Seite" @TOC "MAIN" First page ========== The first catalogue page will be displayed. That means, Artstudio jumps to the firstcategory of the catalogue. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men Bottom" "letzte Seite" @TOC "MAIN" Last page ========= The last page will be displayed. That means, Artstudio jumps to the last category of the catalogue. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PrePage" "vorherige Seite" @TOC "MAIN" Previous page ============= Artstudio displays the previous page of the catalogue. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men NextPage" "n chste Seite" @TOC "MAIN" Next page ========= Artstudio displays the next page of the catalogue. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PreRow" "vorherige Zeile" @TOC "MAIN" Previous row ============ Artstudio displays the previous stamp-row. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men NextRow" "n chste Zeile" @TOC "MAIN" Next row ======== Artstudio displays the next stamp-row. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men PreMark" "vorherige Markierte" @TOC "MAIN" previous marked =============== Artstudio search for the previous marked picture @ENDNODE @NODE "Men NextMark" "n chste Markierte" @TOC "MAIN" next marked =========== ArtStudio is searching for the next marked picture @ENDNODE @NODE "Men FensterImageWindow" "Bild Information" @TOC "MAIN" Bildfenster =========== ffnet das Bildfenster. In diesem Fenster sind Kn pfe, womit Sie das Bilderfenster beeinflussen k nnen. Darunter f llt z.B. auch das Bl ttern im Katalog. The picture window shows all miniature pictures which are loaded and converted successful. The information window indicates further infos about the picture by simply clicking on the required picture provided that the information picture has been opened at first. Also the picture will showed in the zoom window if you have opened it before. You can change the picture window as you like and you will get a larger overview of your picture collection and you will find faster your picture. After changing of the size the window will be set automatically on the best size for the miniature picture. On the right side of the window you can jump in the catalogue by using of a slider by that you make progress faster. When you are working with different categories you can see the actual category on the window bar. In diesem Fenster sind Kn pfe, womit Sie das Bilderfenster beeinflussen k nnen. Darunter f llt z.B. auch das Bl ttern im Katalog. Die Kn pfe werden von Links nach Rechts erkl Mit diesem Knopf ffnen Sie ein Fenster mit den vorhanden Kategorien. Bei Anwahl einer Katagorie wird das Bilder Fenster mit den Bildern der gew hlten Katgorie aktualisiert. M< to the previous marked picture |< to the beginning of the catalogue respectively the category << to the previous page < to the previous line > to the next line >> to the next page >| to the end of the catalogue respectively the category >M to the next marked picture ALL All pictures in the catalogue respectively in the category will be marked. NONE No picture in the catalogue respectively in the category will be marked. Pictures are marked before are losing their availability and after that they are no more marked. TOGGLE All pictures are marked will be invalid and after that they are no more marked. All pictures are not marked will be marked now. INFO It will be showed the facts about the picture and additional text informations according to each opened window. ZOOM It will be showed the facts about the picture and additional text informations about that according to each opened window. Moreover it will be showed an enlargement of the picture in a separate window. You can enlarge or reduce the window in the 24 Bit mode at your's pleasure. View The picture will be showed either with an external program or with the internal programs. Please see also the adjustments "external viewers". MARK The picture will be marked by selecting, the letters will be put on blue background. The marked pictures could be surrendered to a certain function for examble to file the pictures of a category or to delete etc. ... Drag & Drop Das Ziehen und Umsetzen eines Bildes, mit der Maus. PopUpMen Nach dem Anklicken dieses Buttons, erscheint beim Klick auf ein Bild im geladenen Katalog ein Aufklappmen zur Bildweiterverarbeitung. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men FensterKatInfo" "Katalog Information" @TOC "MAIN" Catalogue information ===================== The catalogue information window appears. Here you can see informations about the catalogue. That means: Number of catalogize pictures, whole memory need and so on. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men FensterBildInfo" "Bildinformation" @TOC "MAIN" Picture infomation ================== The picture information window appears. Here you can the further details about the pictures. E.g. path and name of the picture, category, picture size, and so on. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men FensterTextInfo" "Text Information" @TOC "MAIN" Text information ================ The text information window appears. Here you can type in further informations about the picture. E.g. picture-author, where it has been shot, or something else which is important for you. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men FensterModule" "Module" @TOC "MAIN" Module ====== The module window appears. Here you can select the load-, save- and displaymodules. The list above contains the loadermodules, the middle list contains the savemodule and the last one contains the viewermodule. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men FensterOperator" "Bildbearbeitung" @TOC "MAIN" Operator ======== The pictureprocessing window appears. Here you can manipulate the pictures. If you load a picture for manipulation, Artstudio always used the first picture which is marked. If you don`t have marked a picture the pictureprossing doesn`t works. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men FensterZoom" "Vergr erung" @TOC "MAIN" The zoom window appears.Here you can see the selected stamps in larger display. According to the settings the pictures will shown whether quick or slowlier but in higher quality. If you use the 24bit mode you can also enlarge or reduce the size of zoomwindow. The enlargement of the stamps corresponds to a factor of four. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men FensterARexx" "ARexx" @TOC "MAIN" ARexx ===== The ARexx-Button window appears. Here you can see in graphical display the occupation of the F-keys. Also, you can give every function it`s own name. Also see surface description "ARexx Macros" @ENDNODE @NODE "Men FensterMain" "Hauptfenster" @TOC "MAIN" Mainwindow ========== A window full of gadgets appears. The function of the gadgets you can learn in section surface description "Mainwindow" @ENDNODE @NODE "Men FensterControl" "Kontrollfenster" @TOC "MAIN" @NODE "Men FensterTools" "Werkzeuge" @TOC "MAIN" Tools ===== A window containing gadgets appears. The function agree to the menu "Pictures->Mark->...." (same order) @ENDNODE @NODE "Men FensterFenster" "Fensterleiste" @TOC "MAIN" Windowledge =========== A window which contains some gadgets appears. The gadgets agree to the respective window which opens if you click on the gadget. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men SortName" "Sortieren nach Name" @TOC "MAIN" The selected category will be sorted by the picture name. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men SortPfad" "Sortieren nach Pfad" @TOC "MAIN" The selected category will be sorted by the picture path. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men SortDepth" "Sortieren nach Bildtiefe" @TOC "MAIN" Picturedepth ============ The selected category will be sorted by color size of the pictures. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men SortSolution" "Sortieren nach Bildaufl sung" @TOC "MAIN" Resolution ======== The selected category will be sorted by picture resolution. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men SortDate" "Sortieren nach Datum" @TOC "MAIN" The selected category will be sorted by the date of the original picture. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men SortStampdate" "Sortieren nach Miniaturbilddatum" @TOC "MAIN" Stampdate ========= The selected category will be sorted by the creationdate of the stamp. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men SortGrafikformat" "Sortieren nach Grafikformat" @TOC "MAIN" Graphicformat ============= The selected category will be sorted by the picture graphicformat. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men SortLength" "Sortieren nach L @TOC "MAIN" Length ====== The selected category will be sorted by the picture size. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkShow" "Markierte Bilder anzeigen" @TOC "MAIN" All marked pictures will be displayed like a diashow. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkCategory" "Markierte Bilder einer Kategorie zuordnen" @TOC "MAIN" Category ======== All marked pictures will be assigned to a certain category. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkARexx" "Markierte Bilder an ARexx" @TOC "MAIN" ARexx ===== All marked pictures will be handed over to a certain ARexx-script. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkCreateHTLM" "Markierte Bilder an HTLM" @TOC "MAIN" HTLM Seiten erstellen ===================== Mit dieser Auswahl ist es m glich,Kataloginhalte,oder einzelne Bilder direkt an einem HTLM- Editor zur Weiterverarbeitung und Erstellung einer Webseite zu bergeben. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkPrint" "Markierte Bilder auflisten" @TOC "MAIN" All marked pictures will be listed according to your choice. You can send the data`s to a printer, to a harddisc or into a window on the Artstudio screen. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkCopy" "Markierte Bilder kopieren" @TOC "MAIN" All marked pictures will be copied. The original pictures will copy in a directory which you have previously selected. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkConvert" "Markierte Bilder konvertieren" @TOC "MAIN" Converting ========== All marked pictures will be converted. The original pictures will transform in the graphicformat which you have selected before and copied to a specified directory. You can choose the graphicformat in the modulewindow or also in the preferences. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkExport" "Markierte Bilder exportieren" @TOC "MAIN" Export ====== All marked pictures will be exported in a new created catalogue. This catalogue can be used regardless of the old catalogue. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkLhA" "LhA Archivieren" @TOC "MAIN" LHA archiving =============== Mark all pictures which you like to put in the LHA-archive. A filerequester appears which ask you to select path and name of the archive. Please pay attention that you have enough disc space free before start crunching. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkLZX" "LZX Archivieren" @TOC "MAIN" LZX archiving =============== Mark all pictures which you like to put in the LZX-archive. A filerequester appears which ask you to select path and name of the archive. Please pay attention that you have enough disc space free before start crunching. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkGFXPrint" "Grafikausdruck" @TOC "MAIN" Graphic printout ============== Please choose the pictures those you like to output on your printer or like to save on your harddisc. If you like to printout the whole catalogue simply select all picture to do that. @ENDNODE @NODE "Men MarkClear" "Markierte Bilder l schen" @TOC "MAIN" Delete ====== All marked pictures are deleted. Before this, a security check appears and you can choose what you want to delete. You have the choice between: delete stamps, delete the original picture, delete the stamp and the original picture. @ENDNODE @NODE "TastaturMain" "Die Tastaturk rzel f r ArtStudio" @TOC "MAIN" The shortcuts for ArtStudio =========================== @{" Functionskeys " LINK "TastaturFunktionstasten"} F1 to F10 @{" Cursorkeys " LINK "TastaturPfeil"} move the stamps in the correspond direction @{" Menushortcuts " LINK "TastaturMen "} Shortcuts of the menupoints @{" Others " LINK "TastaturSonstige"} all further shortscuts @ENDNODE @NODE "TastaturFunktionstasten" "Die Funktionstasten" @TOC "MAIN" Functionskeys ============= You can cover the functionkeys F1 to F10 with ARexx-scripts. Therefore you can execute or stop frequently used function via a key-push. In combination with the Control- and Shift-key you can reach 40 ARexx scripts. Possible combinations: ---------------------- F1 to F10 SHIFT + F1 to F10 CONTROL + F1 to F10 SHIFT + CONTROL + F1 to F10 please remember that you can press only one functionkey at the same time. @ENDNODE @NODE "TastaturPfeil" "Die Pfeiltasten" @TOC "MAIN" Cursorkeys ========== With the cursorkeys you can move the stamps in the specified direction. Herewith you have the possiblity to jump to every point of the catalogue file. Cursor down: ------------ The stampwindow scrolls upwards and the next stamprow will be shown. Cursor up: ---------- The stampswindow scrolls downwards and the previous stamprow will be shown. Cursor right: ------------- The stampswindow scrolls to the right side and you will see the next catalogue-page. Cursor left: ------------ The stampswindow scrolls to the left side and you will see the previous catalogue page. SHIFT + Cursor down: -------------------- With this keycombination you can reach the catalogue end or the end of the category. SHIFT + Cursor up: ------------------ With this keycombination you reach the start von the catalogue or of the category. SHIFT + Cursor right -------------------- Artstudio jumps to the next marked picture. SHIFT + Cursor left: -------------------- Artstudio jumps to the previous marked picture. @ENDNODE @NODE "TastaturMen " "Die Men rzel" @TOC "MAIN" Menushortcuts ============= With this shortscuts you can choose a menupoint without using the mouse. AMIGA + E @{" ARexx execute " LINK "Men ARexxAusf hren"} AMIGA + M @{" Screenmode " LINK "Men Bildschirm"} AMIGA + ? @{" About... " LINK "Men ber"} AMIGA + H @{" Help " LINK "Men Hilfe"} AMIGA + W @{" Save & Quit " LINK "Men SaveBeenden"} AMIGA + Q @{" Quit " LINK "Men Beenden"} AMIGA + N @{" New " LINK "Men Neu"} AMIGA + O @{" Open " LINK "Men ffnen"} AMIGA + I @{" Include catalog " LINK "Men KatalogErweiter"} AMIGA + L @{" Include " LINK "Men Erweitern"} AMIGA + ! @{" Catalog information " LINK "Men CatInfo"} AMIGA + C @{" Check " LINK "Men fen"} AMIGA + U @{" UpToDate " LINK "Men Aktualisieren"} AMIGA + P @{" Print " LINK "Men Drucken"} AMIGA + 8 @{" Maincategory " LINK "Men Hauptkategorie"} AMIGA + 9 @{" Edit Categorie " LINK "Men KategorieW hlen"} AMIGA + 0 @{" Edit Category " LINK "Men KategorieBearbeiten"} AMIGA + 1 @{" Information " LINK "Men StampInfo"} AMIGA + 2 @{" Zoom " LINK "Men StampZoom"} AMIGA + 3 @{" Show " LINK "Men StampShow"} AMIGA + 4 @{" Mark " LINK "Men StampMark"} AMIGA + 5 @{" Drag&Drop " LINK "Men Drag&Drop"} AMIGA + 6 @{" PopUpMenu " LINK "Men PopUpMen AMIGA + S @{" Search " LINK "Men Suchen"} AMIGA + A @{" All " LINK "Men MarkAll"} AMIGA + K @{" None " LINK "Men MarkNone"} AMIGA + T @{" Toggle " LINK "Men MarkInvert"} AMIGA + R @{" Select range " LINK "Men Markrange"} AMIGA + Y @{" Select random " LINK "Men MarkRandom"} @ENDNODE @NODE "TastaturSonstige" "Die sonstigen Tasten" @TOC "MAIN" Others ====== Here some shortscuts whom make it easier to work. TAB --- Jumps between the seperated windows. RETURN ------ In windows with StringGadgets you can activate the enterfield with a push of the returnkey (Enter) @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxMain" "ARexx Befehle" @TOC "MAIN" ARexx ===== Build-in ARexx-Commands ------------------------ @{" Quit " LINK "ARexxQuit"} @{" About " LINK "ARexxAbout"} @{" CreateNew " LINK "ARexxCreateNew"} @{" LOAD " LINK "ARexxLoad"} @{" Prefs " LINK "ARexxPrefs"} @{" All " LINK "ARexxAll"} @{" Sort " LINK "ARexxSort"} @{" OpenWindow " LINK "ARexxOpenWindow"} @{" CloseWindow " LINK "ARexxCloseWindow"} @{" SelectStamp " LINK "ARexxSelectStamp"} @{" View " LINK "ARexxView"} @{" SetInfoText " LINK "ARexxSetInfoText"} @{" Loader " LINK "ARexxLoader"} @{" Viewer " LINK "ARexxViewer"} @{" LineUp " LINK "ARexxLineUp"} @{" LineDown " LINK "ARexxLineDown"} @{" PageUp " LINK "ARexxPageUp"} @{" PageDown " LINK "ARexxPageDown"} @{" Top " LINK "ARexxTop"} @{" Bottom " LINK "ARexxBottom"} @{" Redraw " LINK "ARexxRedraw"} @{" WindowToFront " LINK "ARexxWindowToFront"} @{" WindowToBack " LINK "ARexxWindowToBack"} @{" ScreenToFront " LINK "ARexxScreenToFront"} @{" ScreenToBack " LINK "ARexxScreenToBack"} @{" SizeWindow " LINK "ARexxSizeWindow"} @{" MoveWindow " LINK "ARexxMoveWindow"} @{" ActivateWindow " LINK "ARexxActivateWindow"} @{" Search " LINK "ARexxSearch"} @{" SelectStamp " LINK "ARexxSelectStamp"} @{" SelectCategory " LINK "ARexxSelectCategory"} @{" Copy " LINK "ARexxCopy"} @{" Delete " LINK "ARexxDelete"} @{" Check " LINK "ARexxCheck"} @{" Print " LINK "ARexxPrint"} @{" PrinterPref " LINK "ARexxPrinterPref"} @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxQuit" "Programm beenden" @TOC "MAIN" Quit (Beenden) Description ----------- Quit is one of the simplest commands. With this command you can stop Artstudio from other programs. parameter --------- none Parameter example ------- QUIT @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxAbout" "Programm Information" @TOC "MAIN" About (Information) ===== About ===== Description ----------- A window opens which contains informations about Artstudio, e.g. serialnumber of your Artstudiocopy. Parameter --------- none Parameter example ------- ABOUT @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxCreateNew" "Neuen Katalog erstellen" @TOC "MAIN" CreateNew ========= Description ----------- With this command you can create a new catalogue. Parameter --------- StampSize/A Color/A Basename/A Dateiname/A StampSize --------- 32x24, 64x48, 96x72, 128x96, 160x120, 192x144, 224x168, 256x192 Colors ------ COLOR_256, GREY_256, GREY_128, GREY_64, GREY_32, GREY_16 COLOR_16, HAM6, HAM8 und 24BIT Basename -------- The basename will be shown in the Artstudiowindow. The basename can containing max. 30 characters. You should set the basename in quotation marks to avoid errors produced by spaces in its name. Dateiname (Filename) --------- The "Dateiname" is used for saveing on a data medium. You have to type in the path- and the filename. Artstudio creates a new directory with the filename in this directory. Artstudio will put all further catalogue data`s in this directroy. You should set the basename in quotation marks to avoid errors produced by spaces in its name. Maximum of 30 characters for filename is allowed. exapmle ------- CreateNew 128x96 Color_256 Test Sys:Bilder Artstudio creates a the catalogue file with the following data`s. StampSize = 128x96 (width x height) Color = color catalogue with 256 colors Basename = Test Dateiname = Sys:Bilder CreateNew 96x72 Grey_64 Photos Pics:Test Artstudio creates a the catalogue file with the following data`s. StampSize = 96x72 (width x height) Color = grey with 64 greytones Basename = Photos Dateiname = PICS:Test @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxLoad" "Bilder laden" @TOC "MAIN" LOAD (load pictures) Description ------------ This command has the same function like the "Load"-button on the Artstudio window. Herewith you can hand over pictures from external programs. Also you can hand over a whole directory with or without it`s subdirectories. (According to the settings). To load a Artstudio-file is also possible. Parameter --------- Pfad/A Filename/A Example -------- LOAD "Pics:Photos/" "First.IFF" A picture was handed over to ArtStudio Path = Pics:Photos/ Filename = First.IFF LOAD "Pics:Photos/" A directory was searched for pictures and the pictures whom have been found will hand over to ArtStudio. According to the settings , Artstudio will also search the subdirectories. (Treescan function) LOAD "Pics:Data/" "ArtStudio.data" A ArtStudio database was loaded. Pfad = Pics:Data/ Filename = ArtStudio.data @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxPrefs" "Programm Einstellungen" @TOC "MAIN" Prefs (Programm Settings) ===== Description ------------ Herewith you have the possiblity to manipulate just all preferences of Artstudio. The great advantage is, that you can change between different settings every time, e.g. "TreeScan". It isn`t always necessary to search all subdirectories. Or if you work with two graphicboards, then you have the possibility to change the viewer-settings very quick. These are only two examples form a lot of others which you can realize with this comand. Parameter --------- The following parameter have to hand over separated. TreeScan/A On/Off Indicator/A On/Off LoaderError/A On/Off PicWarn/A On/Off FastZoom/A On/Off Prefs/A On/Off Border/A On/Off/Interactive PAspect/A On/Off/Interactive Dither/A On/Off/Interactive Color/A Black/White/Grey Category/A On/Interaktive Interpolation/A On/Off/Interactive StartUp/A Pfad auf eine ArtStudio.data Temp/A Pfad f r Tempor ren Buffer Save/A Example -------- Prefs TreeScan On Treescan function has been activated. Prefs FastZoom Off FastZoom function has been activated. Prefs Dither Interactive Dither function has set to interactive. Prefs Startup Pics:data/ArtStudio.data Artstudio is using the basefile "Artstudio.data" with its path as startup-file. Prefs Color Black The color black was set in the preferences. Prefs Save This command saves the Artstudio preferences. According to the settings ArtStudio saves its preferences file in the "S:" directory or as project-preferences in the specified directory. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxAll" "Hauptkategorie" @TOC "MAIN" All (Rootcategory) Description ----------- A simple command to jump back to the maincategorey (root) to all pictures of the basefile. Parameter --------- none Example ------- All @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxSort" "Sortieren" @TOC "MAIN" Description ----------- This command sorts the file new. For further information about sorting, please look at section "sort window" parameter --------- Only one parameter can be hand over Name, Path, Depth, Solution, Date, StampDate, Format, Length example ------- Sort Depth file is sorting by picturedepth Sort StampDate file is sorting by stamps builing date. As result the file is puting in its original state, before it was sorted. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxOpenWindow" "Fenster ffnen" @TOC "MAIN" OpenWindow =========== description ----------- With this command you can open a window. If it is already open, it will put auto- matically in the foreground Parameter --------- InfoWindow = Informationwindow TextWindow = Additional text informations ZoomWindow = window with a 4 times enlarged stamp example ------- OpenWindow Zoom Opens the zoom-window. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxCloseWindow" "Fenster schlie @TOC "MAIN" CloseWindow =========== description ----------- If you don`t need the window any longer, you can close it with this command. parameter --------- InfoWindow = Informationwindow TextWindow = Additional text informations ZoomWindow = window with 4 times enlarged stamp example ------- CloseWindow Zoom Closing the zoom-window. Too choose it twice or more is not possible. No errormessage will shown, if the window is already closed. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxSelectStamp" "Bild w hlen" @TOC "MAIN" SelectStamp =========== description ----------- With SelectStamp you can choose a stamp from an already loaded file. No errormessage will show, if the stamp could not found. parameter --------- Name/A Number/A Name = stampname Too make your work easier you can use wildcards like "#?". Names which including spaces have to set in quotation marks. Number = a stamp with the equal number will choose from the list. example ------- Select Number 7 Choose stamp Number 7 from the list. Select Name Testpicture A stamp named "Testpicture" will search and select. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxView" "Bild anzeigen" @TOC "MAIN" View (Picture) description ----------- The selected Picture is showing, by using the viewer which has been choosen in the preferences or the external viewer will use. Also look at "Prefs" in section "AREXX-commandlist" parameter --------- none example ------- View The picture is showing. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxLoader" "Lademodule ausw hlen" @TOC "MAIN" Loader (loadermodul select) ====== description ----------- With this command you can choose a loadermodul, which can load the pictures. parameter --------- Loadername/A = As parameter you have to use the name of the loadermodul example ------- Loader IFF The IFF-loadermodul was selected. Loader UNIVERSAL The UNIVERSAL-Loadermodul was selected. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxViewer" "Anzeigemodule w hlen" @TOC "MAIN" Viewer (viewermodul select) ====== description ----------- With this command you can choose the viewermodul, which should showing the pictures. parameter --------- The parameter is the name of the viewermodul. example ------- Viewer AGA_HAM The AGA Ham-viewermodul was selected Viewer ECS_GREY The ECS Grey-viewernodul was selected. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxLineUp" "LineUp" @TOC "MAIN" LineUp ====== description ----------- The command is to simulate the key "CURSOR-HIGH". As result, in the window you can see the stamps one line before Parameter --------- No parameter has used. example -------- LineUp One line down @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxLineDown" "LineDown" @TOC "MAIN" LineDown ======== description ----------- The command is to simulate the key "CURSOR-HIGH". As result, in the window you can see the stamps of the next line. parameter --------- No parameter has used. example ------- LineDown One line up. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxPageUp" "PageUp" @TOC "MAIN" PageUp ====== description ----------- This command simulates the key "cursor left". As result the window scrolls to the previous page of the stamps. Parameter --------- No parameters are used. Example ------- PageUp Go to the previous page. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxPageDown" "PageDown" @TOC "MAIN" PageDown ======== description ----------- This command simulates the key "cursor right". As result the stampwindow scrolls to the next page. Parameter --------- No parameters are used. example -------- PageDown Go to the next page. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxTop" "Top" @TOC "MAIN" description ------------ This command simulates the key "Shift+Cursor up" As result you reach the start of the stamps or category. Parameter --------- No parameters are used. example -------- Top Go to the stamp start. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxBottom" "Bottom" @TOC "MAIN" Bottom ====== description ------------ This command simulates the key "Shift+Cursor down" As result you reach the end of the stamps or category. Parameter --------- No parameters are used. example -------- Bottom Go to the stamp end. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxRedraw" "Redraw" @TOC "MAIN" Redraw ====== description ------------ Redraw rebuilts the stamps. Parameter --------- No parameters are used. example ------- Redraw The stamp are rebuilt. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxWindowToFront" "Fenster nach vorne" @TOC "MAIN" WindowToFront ============= description ----------- A window will put into foreground. Parameter --------- Name/A windowname example ------- WindowToFront Zoom The zoomwindow is put into front. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxWindowToBack" "Fenster nach hinten" @TOC "MAIN" WindowToBack ============ description ----------- A window will put into background. Parameter --------- Name/A windowname example ------- WindowToBack Zoom The zoomwindow is put into brackground. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxScreenToFront" "Bildschirm nach vorne" @TOC "MAIN" ScreenToFront ============= description ----------- The Artstudio-area is put into foreground. Parameter --------- no parameters Beispiel -------- ScreenToFront ArtStudio is put into the foreground. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxScreenToBack" "Bildschirm nach hinten" @TOC "MAIN" ScreenToBack ============ description ----------- The Artstudio-area will put into background. Parameter --------- no parameter example ------- ScreenToBack ArtStudio is put into background. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxSizeWindow" "Fenstergr ndern" @TOC "MAIN" SizeWindow ========== description ----------- With this command you can change the window size. But remember, only a few windows could change their size. The windowarea will adapt to the windowsize automatically. If the image window is in use, the new window size will optimize by the stamp size. Parameter --------- Name/A windowname ImageWindow TextWindow xPos/A/N windowwidth yPos/A/N windowheight example -------- SizeWindow ImageWindow 320 200 The imagewindow gets a new size. The width was set to 320 points and the height to 200 points. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxMoveWindow" "Fenser verschieben" @TOC "MAIN" MoveWindow ========== description ------------ With this command you can change the position of a window. If the windowposition you have chosen is outside the screen, the window will put to the respective screenside automatically. Position 0 0 lies on the left upper side of the screen. Parameter --------- Name/A windowname ArtStudioWindow InfoWindow ZoomWindow ImageWindow TextWindow xPos/A/N left windowcorner yPos/A/N upper windowcorner example -------- MoveWindow ImageWindow 0 100 The imagewindow gets a new position. The left corner was set to 0 and upper corner was set to 100 points. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxActivateWindow" "Fenster aktivieren" @TOC "MAIN" ActivateWindow ============== description ----------- With this command you can activate a window. parameter --------- Name/A windowname ArtStudioWindow InfoWindow ZoomWindow ImageWindow TextWindow example ------- ActivateWindow ImageWindow The image window is activated. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxSearch" "Bild suchen" @TOC "MAIN" Search ====== description ----------- Search for a stamp with the equal name. ArtStudio searchs only in the respective category. If you like to search all stamps you have to press the button "All" on the ArtStudioscreen or you must execute the Arexx command "All". Wildcards are allowed. parameter --------- Name/A stampname example ------- Search #?.IFF ArtStudio searchs for pictures ending on ".iff". Search Musterbild ArtStudio searchs for a picture named "Musterbild". @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxSelectStamp" "Bild w hlen" @TOC "MAIN" SelectStamp =========== description ----------- With this command you can select a stamp. The command can combines with a stampnumber or a stampname. Also look at ARexx-"Search" Parameter --------- Name/A stampname Number/A stampnumber example ------- SelectStamp Name Musterbild The picture named "Musterbild" is selected SelectStamp Number 7 The picture number 7 is selected. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxSelectCategory" "Kategorie w hlen" @TOC "MAIN" SelectCategory ============== description ----------- If you work with more than one category in a catalog, you can select the needed category with this command. If you want to go back to the maindirectory you have to use the Arexx command "All". Parameter --------- Name/A categoryname example ------- SelectCategory Mustercategory Selects the category named "Mustercategory" @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxSetInfoText" "Informations Text angeben" @TOC "MAIN" SetInfoText =========== description ----------- With SetInfoText you can hand over varius textfiles to Artstudio. The textfiles are used the give the respective picture further informations. But remember, that you have seleted a picture with the ARexx-command "SelectStamp" or with a mouseclick on its stamp before using the SetInfoText command. Parameter --------- Filename/A path and Name of the textfile example ------- SetInfoText Texte:InfoText.txt The file "InfoText.txt" from the directory "Texte" is hand over to Artstudio @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxCopy" "Bild kopieren" @TOC "MAIN" description ----------- The ARexx-command "copy" is for copying the original picture of the choosen stamp to the declared path. The stamp have to select with the ARexx-command "SelectStamp" or with a mouseclick before you use this command. Parameter --------- Filename/A path and name of the destinationfile example -------- Copy Ram:Test The selected pictures was copied in the directory "Ram:" with the name "Test" @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxDelete" "Bild l schen" @TOC "MAIN" Delete (delete pictures) ====== description ----------- Deletes the selected picture, acording to the setting. Only the stamp will delete, the original picture will delete or both will delete. You choose the required picture with the ARexx-command "SelectStamp" or with a mouseclick on its stamp. parameter --------- StampOnly Only the stamp will delete. StampAndPicture Stamp and picture will delete PictureOnly Only the original picture will delete. example ------- Delete StampOnly The stamp which you have previously selected will delete. Only the stamp will delete, the original picture will survive. Delete StampAndPicture The stamp which you have previously selected will delete. The stamp and the original picture will delete. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxCheck" "Katalog pr @TOC "MAIN" Check ===== description ----------- This command searchs for pictures in the basefile which didn`t exist any longer. parameter --------- no parameter example ------- Check The search for pictures, which didn`t exist any longer has been started. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxPrint" "Katalog drucken" @TOC "MAIN" Print ===== description ----------- Acording to the setting, the basefile will put on a printer, a window or in a file on a harddisc for example. Besides you can declare what should given out, whether only informations about the basefile, the complete catalog or only a certain category. parameter --------- What/A What shall Artstudio printing FullCatalog complete catalog OnlyCategory only a category TreeCategory category with sub directories Where/A Where shall the data`s given out ? Window Output into a window Printer Output on a printer File/A Output in a file, remember to declare the outputpath and name. Filename/A Path and name of the destination directory, where the data`s will be saved. example ------- Print FullCatalog Window The whole catalog is given out in a window. Print TreeCategory File Texte:Katalog.txt The previously choosen category with all its subdirectories will save as a file under the given path and name. Print OnlyCategory Printer The previosly chosen category will print out on a printer. To setup your printer, please use the preferences of your Amiga workbench. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxPrinterPref" "Ausgabe Einstellung" @TOC "MAIN" PrinterPref =========== description ----------- It isn`t always necessary to print the whole data`s acording to a picture. So, with PinterPref you can select which data you like to output. Only one setting can hand over per command. Parameter: ROWS/A number of rows. Numbers between 1 and 6 are allowed. example -------- PrinterPref ROWS 2 While printing a catalog only two rows with graphicinformation would be given out. @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikMain" "Die Grafikformate im berblick" @TOC "MAIN" Graphicformats ============== ArtStudio includes a very big loaderpackage, which knows the most populars graphicformats. But sometimes it isn`t easy to recognize the right graphicformat, because the picture doesn`t have any characteristic format informations. ArtStudio knows 54 graphicformats at the moment. Theoretical it`s possible that a file (program, text, sound usw.) contains data`s like a graphicformat. In that case it could happen that Artstudio thinks the file is a graphicfile and so an error could occur. So the user have to watch out himself that it doesn`t happen. Artstudio manages the loaders as independent files, so that additional improvements and extensions can make easy. You can create your own graphic loader. If you want that, you can get the developer documents from our technical hotline (see hotline) MotionStudios Telefon: 0421 / 249966 Fax: 0421 / 249556 avaible loaders --------------- Here you can see a list of the availble loaders. If you miss a loader you need every time. Please send us a few example pictures and some documents about the graphic format, if you have. Bitmap Grafikformate: --------------------- ALIAS IFFDEEP IMPULSE KOALA MACPAINT PHOTOCD RAW_RGB RENDITION SUNRASTER TARGA WAVEFRONT Animationformate ---------------- QUICKTIME Vektorformate ------------- POSTSCRIPT weitere Lademodule ------------------ DATATYPES FAX_IFF SCANQUIX UNIVERSAL Hier noch weitere Informationen zu verschienden Grafikformaten. @{" ACBM " LINK "GrafikACBM"} @{" ALIAS " LINK "GrafikALIAS"} @{" ANIM " LINK "GrafikANIM"} @{" BMP " LINK "GrafikBMP"} @{" FITS " LINK "GrafikFITS"} @{" GEM " LINK "GrafikGEM"} @{" GIF " LINK "GrafikGIF"} @{" IFF " LINK "GrafikIFF"} @{" IFFDEEP " LINK "GrafikIFFDEEP"} @{" IMPULSE " LINK "GrafikIMPULSE"} @{" IPBM " LINK "GrafikIPBM"} @{" JPEG " LINK "GrafikJPEG"} @{" MACPAINT " LINK "GrafikMACPAINT"} @{" PBM " LINK "GrafikPBM"} @{" PCX " LINK "GrafikPCX"} @{" PGM " LINK "GrafikPGM"} @{" PHOTOCD " LINK "GrafikPHOTOCD"} @{" PPM " LINK "GrafikPPM"} @{" PSD " LINK "GrafikPSD"} @{" QRT " LINK "GrafikQRT"} @{" RENDITION " LINK "GrafikRENDITION"} @{" SGI " LINK "GrafikSGI"} @{" SUNRASTER " LINK "GrafikSUNRASTER"} @{" TARGA " LINK "GrafikTARGA"} @{" TIFF " LINK "GrafikTIFF"} @{" WAVEFRONT " LINK "GrafikWAVEFRONT"} @{" YUVN " LINK "GrafikYUVN"} and of course a @{"UNIVERSAL" LINK "GrafikUNIVERSAL"}-loader which knows the right graphicloader automatically. @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikACBM" "ACBM Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" Format: ILBM (InterLeavedBitMap) supportes: 1-8Bit (2 - 256 colors) EHB (Extra Halfbrite) HAM6 und HAM8 (Hold And Modify) IFF24 (24-Bit, 16.8 Mil. colors) Compression Kompression: without compression, RLE (Run Length Encoding) Notice: The ACBM-format is an old version of the iff-format. further informations: --- @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikALIAS" "ALIAS Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" ALIAS ===== Format: ALIAS supports: 24-Bit compression: RLE (Run Length Encoding) Notice: It is a very simple graphic format which loads and saves in 24 bit only. @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikANIM" "ANIM Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" Format: ANIM5, ANIM7, ANIM8 supports: 1 - 256 colors, EHB (Extra Halfbrite), HAM6 und HAM8 (Hold And Modify), IFF24 (24-Bit) compression: without compression, RLE (Run Length Encoding) Notice: The well kown ANIM-format which principal used on our girlfriend the Amiga. Artstudio knows the formats Anim-5, Anim-7 and Anim-8. further informations: --- @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikBMP" "BMP Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" format: Microsoft Windows Bitmap supports: Mono (black/white) 4-Bit (16 colors) 8-Bit (256 colors) 24-Bit (16.8 Mil. colors) compression: without compression, RLE (Run Length Encoding) Notice: BMP is in a first line a format to exchange and save graphics. It based on windows internal Bitmap Data structure and many other Computerplatform can use this format. further informations: Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 Voice: 206-882-8080 Fax: 206-936-7329 BBS: 206-637-9009 @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikFITS" "FITS Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" Format: FITS (Flexible Image Transport System, FTI) supports: 8 Bit Greyscale 16 Bit Greyscale 32 Bit Greyscale compression: without compression, Notice: FITS is a standard graphicformat which used by observatories and it`s also used from the NASA. further informations: NASA/OSSA Office of Standards and Technology Code 633.2 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 Voice: 301-441-4189 Voice: 301-513-1634 Internet: nost@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov fits@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikGEM" "GEM Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" Format: Gem Raster (also known as IMG ) supports: Mono (black/white) compression: without compression, RLE (Run Length Encoding) notice: The Gem Raster Format are used on the Atari ST mainly and sometimes also on the PC. further informations: DISCUS Distribution Service, Inc. 8020 San Miguel Canyon Road Salinas, CA 93907-1208 Voice: 408-663-6966 or Novell&Digital Research, Inc. P.O. Box DRI Monterey, CA 93942 Voice: 408-659-3896 Voice: 800-848-1498 BBS: 408-649-3896 @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikGIF" "GIF Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" Format: GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) supports: 1-8Bit (1 - 256 colors) compression: LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) notice: The gif-format was original designed for use with data transfer. Because it`s LZW-compression makes the file 10-50% smaller, so that the data transfer became very faster. Today the gif format is wide spread so that no graphic program can ignore it. The gif format supports pictures up to 256 colors only. further informations: CompuServe Incorporated Attn: Graphics Technology Department 5000 Arlington Center Boulevard Columbus, OH 43220 Voice: 614-457-8600 Voice: 800-848-8199 @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikIFF" "IFF Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" Format: IFF-ILBM (InterchangeFileFormat InterLeavedBitMap) supports: 1-8Bit (2 - 256 colors) EHB (Extra Halfbrite) HAM6 und HAM8 (Hold And Modify) IFF24 (24-Bit, 16.8 Mil. colors) compression: without compression, RLE (Run Length Encoding) notice: The IFF format is the most populars graphic format on the Amiga and many programs supports it. further informations: Electronic Arts 1 820 Gateway Drive San Mateo Voice: 415-571-7171 Voice: 415-572-2787 @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikIFFDEEP" "IFFDEEP Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" IFFDEEP ======= Format: IFF-DEEP (InterchangeFileFormat DEEP) supports: 24-Bit (16.8 Mil. colors) compression: without compression notice: The IFFDEEP format is a replacement for the IFF ILBM 24 Bit format because it is a lot faster. But the IFFDeep format wasn`t spread wide, but a few programs used it and thats the reason why Artstudio supports it. further informations: --- @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikIMPULSE" "IMPULSE Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" IMPULSE ======= format: RGBN (12 Bit) RGB8 (24 Bit) supports: 12-Bit (4096 colors) 24-Bit (16.8 Mil. colors) compression: RLE (RunLengthEncoding) notice: These format are used with the programs Imagine and TurboSilver It`s based on the IFF-ILBM format. further informations: --- We didn`t have a address or anything else. @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikIPBM" "IPBM Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" format: IPBM supports: 1-8Bit (2 - 256 colors) compression: without compression, RLE (Run Length Encoding) notice: The IPBM format has the same structure like the IFF format. But the different is, that the IPBM used the Chunky Pixel format. This based on the old program DPaint II (PC-Version) which used this format. further informations: --- @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikJPEG" "JPEG Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" format: JPEG, JFIF (Joint Photographics Experts Group) supports: 8-Bit (256 greycolors) 24-Bit (16.8 Mil. colors) compression: JPEG notice: JPEG is a graphic format which based on qualtiy losing compression. All graphic information were killed, which the eye doesn`t see. Because of that, the JPEG pictures needs only a small part of the originial picturesize. The JPEG format is only useful for 24 bit pictures for 256 colors or less it doesn`t makes sense. further informations: American National Standarts Institute, Inc. Attn: Sales 1430 Broadway New York, NY 10018 Voice: 212-642-4900 @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikMACPAINT" "MACPAINT Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" MACPAINT ======== format: Macintosh Paint supports: Mono (1-Bit, black/white) compression: whitout compression, RLE (RunLengthEncoding) notice: Macpaint pictures always have a size of 720x576 points and were shown in black and white. These format are used for cliparts, mainly. further informations: Apple Computer Inc. 20525 Mariani Avenue Cupertino, CA 95104 Voice: 408-996-1010 Voice: 800-538-9696 Fax: 408-974-1725 @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikPBM" "PBM Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" format: PBM (Portable Bitmap Utilities) supports: P4 (24-Bit, 16.8 Mil. colors) binary compression: without compression notice: The Portable Bitmap Utilities (PBM) is a collection of programs which were written by Jey Poskanzer. These programs using the simple PBM- graphicformat. The programs are public domain. further informations: Jef Poskanzer email: jef@well.sf.ca.us @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikPCX" "PCX Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" format: PCX (PC Paintbrush File Format) supports: Mono (1-Bit, black/white) 4-Bit (16 colors) 8-Bit (256 colors) 24-Bit (16.8 mil. colors) compression: without compression, RLE (RunLengthEncoding) notice: PCX are used on Mircosoft Windows and procuts which based on Windows. But it`s also spread on MS-DOS-Systems. further informations: ZSoft Corporation Attn: Shannon Donovan 450 Franklin Road, Suite 100 Marietta, GA 30067 Voice: 404-428-0008 Fax: 404-427-1150 BBS: 404-427-1045 CompuServe: 76702,1207 @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikPGM" "PGM Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" format: PGM (Portable Greymap Utilities) supports: P5 (1 - 256 greycolors) binary compression: without compression notice: The Portable Greymap Utilities (PGM) is a collection of programs which were written by Jey Poskanzer. These programs using the simple PBM- graphicformat. The programs are public domain. further informations: Jef Poskanzer email: jef@well.sf.ca.us @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikPHOTOCD" "PHOTOCD Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" PHOTOCD ======= format: PCD (Kodak Photo CD) supports: 24-Bit (192 x 128), 24-Bit (384 x 256), 24-Bit (768 x 512) compression: without compression (YCC) notice: The PhotoCD-format was evolved by Eastman Kodak to save picuteres on CD-Roms. Originally, it was created to show holiday pictures on a special CD-ROM player on your home TV-Set. But now, many company using this format to present their collections on CD ROM. further informations: Eastman Kodak Corporation 343 State Street Rochester, NY 14650 Voice: 800-242-2424 @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikPPM" "PPM Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" Format: PPM (Portable Pixmap Utilities) supports: P6 (Mono 1-Bit, black/white) binary compression: without compression notice: The Portable Pixmap Utilities (PPM) is a collection of programs which were written by Jey Poskanzer. These programs using the simple PBM- graphicformat. The programs are public domain. further informations: Jef Poskanzer jef@well.sf.ca.us @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikPSD" "PSD Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" format: PhotoShop supports: Mono (1-Bit) ColorMap (1 `til 8 Bit, 2 `til 256 colors) 24-Bit (16.8 mil. colors) compression: without compression RLE (RunLength Encoding) notice: The PhotoShop graphicformat was created together with the Photo Shop program for the Apple Macintosh and so it becomes a large spreading on this machine but sometimes you can also see it on a PC (b further informations: Adobe Systems Inc. Attn: Adobe Systems Developer Support 1585 Charleston Rd. P.O. Box 7900 Mountain View, CA 94039-7900 Voice: 415-961-4400 Voice: 800-344-8335 Fax: 415-961-3769 @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikQRT" "QRT Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" format: QRT (Quick Ray Trace), also known as POV. supports: 24-Bit (16.8 mil. colors) compression: without compression notice: This graphicformat is based on QRT-programs. The construction is very simple but in fact on it`s simple structure it is very difficult to recognize it. further informations: Steve Koren koren@hpfcogv.fc.hp.com @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikRENDITION" "RENDITION Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" RENDITION ========= format: Rendition supports: 24-Bit (16.8 mil. colors) compression: RLE (RunLength Encoding) notice: These format supports 24bit pictures only. further informations: none @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikSGI" "SGI Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" format: SGI Image File Format supports: 8-Bit (greycolors) 24-Bit (16.8 mil. colors) 32-Bit (16.8 mil. colors with ALPHA) compression: without compression RLE (RunLength Encoding) notice: The SGI-format is used on Silicon Graphics Machines, mainly. further informations: Silicon Graphics Inc. Attn: Visual Magic Marketing 2011 North Shoreline Blvd. Mountain View, CA 94039-7311 Voice: 800-800-4SGI (SGI = 733) @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikSUNRASTER" "SUNRASTER Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" SUNRASTER ========= format: SunRaster supports: Mono (1-Bit. black/white) ColorMap (1 `til 8-Bit, 2 `til 256 colors) 24-Bit (16.8 mil. colors) 32-Bit (16.8 mil. colors with ALPHA) compression: without compression RLE (RunLength Encoding) notice: The SunRaster pictureformat has it`s orginate in the Sun Microsystem Unix machine. In fact, it is using on Unix-systems basically. further informations: Sun Microsystems Incorporated 2550 Garcia Avenue Mountain View, CA 94043 Voice: 415-960-1300 @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikTARGA" "TARGA Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" TARGA ===== format: Targa Image File supports: 1 `til 8-Bit (2 - 256 colors VGA) 16-Bit (65536 colors with OverlayBit) 24-Bit (16.8 mil. colors) 32-Bit (16.8 Mil. colors with ALPHA) compression: without compression RLE (RunLength Encoding) notice: These format is orginally created to use with graphiccards. Meanwhile, the graphicformat was updated several times and so it`s difficult to convert it. These format is very populary on PC and Macintosh systems. further informations: Truevision Incorporated 7340 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256-3925 Voice: 317-841-0332 Fax: 317-576-7700 BBS: 317-577-8783 @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikTIFF" "TIFF Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" format: Tag Image File Format supports: Mono (1 Bit) ColorMap (1 `til 8-Bit, 2 - 256 colors) TrueColor (24-Bit, 16.8 mil. colors) compression: without compression PackBits notice: The TIFF-format is the most complex graphicformat and so it`s very difficult to convert it. You have also watch out for several things and 5 different compression methods. But the ArtStudio loadermodul can load all different TIFF-formats. further informations: Aldus Corporation Attn: Aldus Developer's Desk 411 First Avenue South Seattle, WA 98104-2871 Voice: 206-628-6593 Voice: 800-331-2538 Fax: 206-343-4210 Internet: tiff-input@aldus.com @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikWAVEFRONT" "WAVEFRONT Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" WAVEFRONT ========= format: Wavefront RLA supports: TrueColor (24-Bit, 16.8 mil. colors) compression: RLE (Run Length Encoding) notice: The Wavefront graphicformat is a part of the Wavefront Advanced Visualizer Animations package. further informations: Wavefront Technologies 530 East Montecito Street Santa Barbara, CA 93103 Voice: 805-962-8117 @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikYUVN" "YUVN Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" format: YUV supports: TrueColor (24-Bit, 2:1:1) compression: without compression notice: The construction of the YUVN-format is based on the IFF-format. The YUV-format is used for Video arrangements. For example the VLab board from MacroSystem used this format. further informations: Wavefront Technologies 530 East Montecito Street Santa Barbara, CA 93103 Voice: 805-962-8117 @ENDNODE @NODE "GrafikUNIVERSAL" "UNIVERSAL Lademodule" @TOC "MAIN" UNIVERSAL ========= format: The universal loader is a module which detects the right graphicformat automatically and starts the corresponding loadermodule. notice: If you get additional loaders, which programed by other people the universal loader can not support them. Unless the new loader is a better version or a replacement of an old one. The universal loader supports only these loaders which are present at the moment. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorMain" "Bildbearbeitungsfunktionen" @TOC "MAIN" pictureprocessing functions =========================== ArtStudio supports a lot of powerful pictureprocessing functions, which allows you to manipulate a pictures like you want. We have optimate the pictureprossecing functions. Now they work very quick and efficient. Here, you can see a list of the availble functions. In the future you can get further picture processing modules from the Aminet or as a update. We will write to registered user if a update is coming up. Also see section "future" @{" 3DLOOK " LINK "Operator3DLOOK"} @{" AND " LINK "OperatorAND"} @{" ANTIQUE " LINK "OperatorANTIQUE"} @{" CLEAR_BLUE " LINK "OperatorCLEARBLUE"} @{" CLEAR_GREEN " LINK "OperatorCLEARGREEN"} @{" CLEAR_RED " LINK "OperatorClearRed"} @{" COLOR_TO_GRAY " LINK "OperatorColorToGray"} @{" CROP_IMAGE " LINK "OperatorCropImage"} @{" DEINTERLACE " LINK "OperatorDeInterlace"} @{" DYNAMIC_RANGE " LINK "OperatorDynamicRange"} @{" EMBOSS " LINK "OperatorEmboss"} @{" EOR " LINK "OperatorEor"} @{" FLIP_X " LINK "OperatorFlipX"} @{" FLIP_Y " LINK "OperatorFlipY"} @{" FREE_RGB " LINK "OperatorFreeRGB"} @{" HALVE " LINK "OperatorHalve"} @{" HIGHLIGHTS " LINK "OperatorHighLights"} @{" HISTOGRAM " LINK "OperatorHistogram"} @{" IMAGE_BORDER " LINK "OperatorImageBorder"} @{" INTERLACE " LINK "OperatorInterlace"} @{" LINEART " LINK "OperatorLineArt"} @{" LOWLIGHTS " LINK "OperatorLowLights"} @{" MAXIMUM " LINK "OperatorMaximum"} @{" MEDIAN " LINK "OperatorMedian"} @{" MINIMUM " LINK "OperatorMinimum"} @{" MIRROR " LINK "OperatorMirror"} @{" MONOCHROME " LINK "OperatorMonochrome"} @{" MOSAIC " LINK "OperatorMosaic"} @{" MOTIONBLUR " LINK "OperatorMotionBlur"} @{" NEGATIVE " LINK "OperatorNegative"} @{" NEGBRIGHT " LINK "OperatorNewBright"} @{" OR " LINK "OperatorOr"} @{" REPLACE_COLOR " LINK "OperatorReplaceColor"} @{" SHARPEN " LINK "OperatorSharpen"} @{" SHIFT_HUE " LINK "OperatorShiftHUE"} @{" SHIFT_RGB " LINK "OperatorShiftRGB"} @{" SOLARIZE " LINK "OperatorSolarize"} @{" TURN " LINK "OperatorTURN"} @{" HSV " LINK "OperatorHSV"} @{" RGB Adjust " LINK "OperatorRGBAdjust"} @{" ROTATE " LINK "OperatorRotate"} @{" SCALE " LINK "OperatorScale"} @{" TILE " LINK "OperatorTILE"} @{" TILE_Brick " LINK "OperatorTile_Brick"} @{" TWIRL " LINK "OperatoTWIRL"} @{" WHRIL " LINK "OperatorWhril"} @ENDNODE @NODE "Operator3DLOOK" "3DLOOK Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" 3DLOOK ====== The 3DLOOK operator is a variant of the LINEART operator. But the 3DLOOK operator doesn`t work with a new ramsection. As a result of this, a 3D effect (shadow) is arising. Above all, the operator makes sense if you want to manipulate handdrawn pictures. The operater doesn`t make sense if you have scanned pictures or videopictures. Because, their own picture rustling is to high. Settings ======== This funktion does not need any settings. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorAND" "AND Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" AND === The AND operator is a logical mathematic function. A example follows to explain it`s function. We choose a colornumber between 0 and 255, e.g. 255. This colornumber has to become filtering by the AND operator with the number 85. The numbers have to set in binary format. To make it easier you can see a table which shows the decimal and the binary format. You have to add the numbers only and then you get the right result. 1 => %00000001 2 => %00000010 4 => %00000100 8 => %00001000 16 => %00010000 32 => %00100000 64 => %01000000 128 => %10000000 as result: decimal 255 is binary %11111111 255 => %11111111 & 85 => %01010101 & a replacement for AND operator --------- %01010101 => 85 ========= You see, you have to set a "1" if the first and second row contains a "1". "0" plus "1" gives "0" and also "1" plus "0" Another little example: 141 => %10001101 & 240 => %11110000 --------- %10000000 => 128 ========= Settings ======== Allows the input of the three basictones (Red, Green and Blue) in an area between 0 and 255 with this the picturecolors will filtering. RED 0 `til 255 GREEN 0 `til 255 BLUE 0 `til 255 also see OR, EOR @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorANTIQUE" "ANTIQUE Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" ANTIQUE ======= With this funktion, you can give the picture an anitque touch. Settings ======== This funktion does not need any settings. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorCLEARBLUE" "CLEAR_BLUE Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" CLEAR_BLUE ========== This funktion filters the whole bluetones out off the picture. As result, the whitecolor is now yellow and so on. Settings ======== This funktion does not need any settings. also see @{"CLEAR_GREEN" LINK "OperatorCLEARGREEN"}, @{"CLEAR_RED" LINK "OperatorClearRed"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorCLEARGREEN" "CLEAR_GREEN Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" CLEAR_GREEN =========== This funktion filters the whole greentones out off the picture. As result, the whitecolor is now violet and so on. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. also see @{"CLEAR_BLUE" LINK "OperatorCLEARBLUE"}, @{"CLEAR_RED" LINK "OperatorClearRed"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorClearRed" "CLEAR_RED Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" CLEAR_RED ========= This funktion filters the whole redtones out off the picture. As result, the whitecolor is now turqoise and so on. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any seetings. also see @{"CLEAR_GREEN" LINK "OperatorCLEARGREEN"}, @{"CLEAR_BLUE" LINK "OperatorCLEARBLUE"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorColorToGray" "COLOR_TO_GRAY Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" COLOR_TO_GRAY ============= Konverts a colorpicture into a greyscale picture. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorCropImage" "CROP_IMAGE Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" CROP_IMAGE ========== With this funktion you can cut out a certain part of your picture. So you can get the important part of a picture and save it separatly. Settings ======== You have to set the coordinates of the desired picturepart. OFFSET X -------- How many pixels have to jumped over from the left side of the picture. OFFSET Y -------- How many pixels have to jumped over from above. BREITE ------ Sets the width of the desired picture part. H ---- Sets the height of the desired picture part @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorDeInterlace" "DEINTERLACE Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" DEINTERLACE =========== If you work with pictures, which has been saved in the interlaced format (e.g. VLab-Digi). You can cut off the two halfpictures with this funktion. The windowarea above shows the even lines and window area below shows the uneven lines. Together with the operator CROP_IMAGE you can save or manipulate the halfpictures separatly. The great advantage to work with halfpictures is, that a videosequence getting so much smoothlier on playback. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. also see @{"INTERLACE" LINK "OperatorInterlace"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorDynamicRange" "DYNAMIC_RANGE Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" DYNAMIC_RANGE ============= This function checks the picture, if the whole colorpalette is in use. That allows the extention or upseting of the colors in the certain area. For example, your picture own a colorarea between 0 and 220, that means it doesn`t use 35 colors. Now you have the posiblitiy to enlarge the colorspectrum if you select a field e.g. between 0 and 255. In fact of this the picture becomes lighten. Settings ======== Selection of the new colorfield MIN --- sets the smallest colorfield (min. 0) MAX --- sets the biggest colorfield (max. 255) @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorEmboss" "EMBOSS Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" EMBOSS ====== If you have used this funktion your picture looks like chiseled in stone. After using the EMBOSS operator you should use the COLOR_TO_GRAY operator because it sets off the EMPOSS effect. Settings ======== You can choose whether the picture should chiseled to the inside or to the outside. INNEN ----- the picture will look like chiseled to the inside AUSSEN ------ the picture will look like chiseled to the outside @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorEor" "EOR Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" EOR === Settings ======== Allows the input of the three basictones (Red, Green and Blue) in an area between 0 and 255 with this the picturecolors will filtering. RED 0 `til 255 GREEN 0 `til 255 BLUE 0 `til 255 The EOR operator is a logical mathematic function. A example follows to explain it`s function. We choose a colornumber between 0 and 255, e.g. 255. This colornumber has to become filtering by the EOR operator with the number 85. The numbers have to set in binary format. To make it easier you can see a table which shows the decimal and the binary format. You have to add the numbers only and then you get the right result. 1 => %00000001 2 => %00000010 4 => %00000100 8 => %00001000 16 => %00010000 32 => %00100000 64 => %01000000 128 => %10000000 255 => %11111111 EOR 85 => %01010101 --------- %10101010 => 170 ========= You see, you have to set a "1" if the first row contains a "1" and second row contains a "0".Also if the first row contains a "0" and second row contains a "1" . You don`t have to set a "1" if booth contained a "1" or a "0". a further example 141 => %10001101 EOR 240 => %11110000 --------- %01111101 => 125 ========= also see @{"AND" LINK "OperatorAND"}, @{"OR" LINK "OperatorOr"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorFlipX" "FLIP_X Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" FLIP_X ====== With this function you can flip the complete picture from left to right. Simply it is a mirror function. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. also see @{"FLIP_Y" LINK "OperatorFlipY"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorFlipY" "FLIP_Y Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" FLIP_Y ====== The same effect like FLIP_X but the different is that the picture will flip from the upper to the lower side. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. also see @{"FLIP_X" LINK "OperatorFlipX"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorFreeRGB" "FREE_RGB Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" FREE_RGB ======== With this function you can set free the ram which the picture is using. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorHalve" "HALVE Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" HALVE ===== With this function you can halve the picture at the x- and y-axis. We use a Bi-Interpolation to guarantee the best picture quality and the function is much more faster as the SCALE operator. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. Also see SCALE @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorHighLights" "HIGHLIGHTS Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" HIGHLIGHTS ========== With HIGHLIGHTS you can upset the light parts of the picture. All pixels will setting into black which are darklier as middlegrey. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. also see @{"LOWLIGHTS" LINK "OperatorLowLights"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorHistogram" "HISTOGRAM Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" HISTOGRAM ========= This function isn`t for picture manipulation. The function shows you the colorparts in a graphic table, which are using by the basictones red, green and blue. The first diagram shows the redcolors, the second the greencolors and the third shows the bluecolors of the picture. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorImageBorder" "IMAGE_BORDER Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" IMAGE_BORDER ============ @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorInterlace" "INTERLACE Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" INTERLACE ========= With this function you can take two halfpictures back in a interlace picture. The two halfpictures must be assembled in on picture. The picture above contains the even rows of the picture and the lower picture contains the uneven rows. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. Also see @{"DEINTERLACE" LINK "OperatorDeInterlace"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorLineArt" "LINEART Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" LINEART ======= The function searched for edges in a picture and set them into foreground. Other pictureinformation will eleminate in fact of this you get a contour drawing. If you also use the COLOR_TO_GRAY function you get a picture which looks like a leadpencil drawing. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorLowLights" "LOWLIGHTS Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" LOWLIGHTS ========= With the Lowlights function you can upset the dark parts of the picture. All pixels, which are lightlier as middlegrey will put into black. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. Also see @{"HIGHLIGHTS" LINK "OperatorHighLights"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorMaximum" "MAXIMUM Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" MAXIMUM ======= Set a pixel to the value of the lightest red, green and blue pixels which are in the neighbourhood of an eight pixel area. Because of that the picture looks lighlier. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. Also see @{"MEDIAN" LINK "OperatorMedian"}, @{"MINIMUN" LINK "OperatorMinimum"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorMedian" "MEDIAN Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" MEDIAN ====== The function calculates the middlevalue of a pixel and it`s 8 neighbouring pixels. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings Also see @{"MINIMUN" LINK "OperatorMinimum"}, @{"MAXIMUN" LINK "OperatorMaximum"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorMinimum" "MINIMUM Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" MINIMUM ======= Set a pixel to the value of the darkest red, green and blue pixels which are in the neighbourhood of an eight pixel area. Because of that the picture looks darklier. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings Also see @{"MAXIMUN" LINK "OperatorMaximum"}, @{"MEDIAN" LINK "OperatorMedian"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorMirror" "MIRROR Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" MIRROR ====== The function mirrored a previous selected half. Settings ======== You can select 4 pictureshalfs LINKS(left) The left side of the pictures is mirrored on the right side of the picture RECHTS(right) The right side of the picture is mirrored on the left side of the picture OBEN (above) The picture side above is mirrored on lower side of the picture. UNTEN (lower) The lower picture side is mirrored on the picture side above. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorMonochrome" "MONOCHROME Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" MONOCHROME ========== The picture will convert in a 2 color picture by using a special filter. The picture will convert in a black and white mode. All colors which are lighlier as middlegrey will convert to white and the other colors getting into black. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorMosaic" "MOSAIC Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" MOSAIC ====== With this function the picture looks coarse grained, by that you can see the picture only shadowy. On TV, this function is used to make a certain picture part unrecognizable. Settings ======== You can choose the width and the height of the pixels. How bigger the value you have chosen, how shadowy is the picture you will see after using this function. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorMotionBlur" "MOTIONBLUR Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" MOTIONBLUR ========== This function enables you to put a motionblur effect into the picture. Also you can set the direction and speed of object which has to move. Settings ======== L NGE(length) The higher the value you have chosen the higher seems to be the speed of the object. In fact of this, your girlfriend (Amiga) has much to do and you can take a coffeebreak. According to the value you have chosen, Winkel(angle) Gives the direction in which the object has to move. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorNegative" "NEGATIVE Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" NEGATIVE ======== Negative is the same effect if you see the work in a photographic laboratory. The colors will change with their respective counterpart, that means white is seting into black, yellow into blue and so on. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. Also see @{"NEGBRIGHT" LINK "OperatorNewBright"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorNewBright" "NEWBRIGHT Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" NEGBRIGHT ========= This function changes a colorvalue with its complimentle color. But the different to the NEGATIVE function is, that only the color brightness will changed. That means light red will set into dark red and dark grey will set into light grey and so on. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. Also see @{"NEGATIVE" LINK "OperatorNegative"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorOr" "OR Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" Settings ======== Allows the input of the three basictones (Red, Green and Blue) in an area between 0 and 255 with this the picturecolors will filtering. RED 0 `til 255 GREEN 0 `til 255 BLUE 0 `til 255 The OR operator is a logical mathematic function. A example follows to explain it`s function. We choose a colornumber between 0 and 255, e.g. 255. This colornumber has to become filtering by the OR operator with the number 85. The numbers have to set in binary format. To make it easier you can see a table which shows the decimal and the binary format. You have to add the numbers only and then you get the right result. 1 => %00000001 2 => %00000010 4 => %00000100 8 => %00001000 16 => %00010000 32 => %00100000 64 => %01000000 128 => %10000000 that means 255 => %11111111 OR 85 => %01010101 --------- %11111111 => 255 ========= You see, you have to set a "1" if the first row contains a "1" or second row contains a "1".Also if the first row contains a "1" and second row contains a "1" . You don`t have to set a "1" if booth contained a "0". a further example: 141 => %10001101 OR 240 => %11110000 --------- %11111101 => 253 ========= Also see @{"AND" LINK "OperatorAND"}, @{"EOR" LINK "OperatorEor"} @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorReplaceColor" "REPLACE_COLOR Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" REPLACE_COLOR ============= With this function you can exchange a certain color or a colorspectrum with the declared colors. This function enables you to mask out colors and later you can use the picture as a mask. Settings ======== LOOK FOR Here you have to declare which red-, green or blue parts has to exchange. Values between 0 and 255 means that Artstudio looks for the specified value only. If you set one of the three colorparts to -1, Artstudio will exchange the whole area of the color part. e.g. ROT(red) = 0 GR N(green) = 110 BLAU(blue) = -1 This settings result that all colors which contained a red part equals to 0, a green part equals to 110 and if their blue part is between 0 and 255 will changed. REPLACE WITH Here you can select which color has to exchange with the color which has found by Arstudio. Values between 0 and 255 are allowed. If you select -1 that means the color part doesn`t has to change. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorSharpen" "SHARPEN Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" SHARPEN ======= This function strenghens the existing edges. Therefore the picture looks sharplier. Settings ======== This functions doesn`t need any settings. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorShiftHUE" "SHIFT_HUE Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" SHIFT_HUE ========= With this function you can rotate the colors of a picture in a certain angle of the color spectrum. Thereby the brightness and satiation of color will retained. Settings ======== WINKEL(angle) Values between 0 and 359 are allowed @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorShiftRGB" "SHIFT_RGB Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" SHIFT_RGB ========= This function allows the exchange of the individual color parts red, green, and blue. You can make severval settings. Settings ======== Here you can declare which color tones have to exchange themselves. You can choose: RGB -> RBG RGB -> GBR RGB -> GRB RGB -> BGR RGB -> BRG @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorSolarize" "SOLARIZE Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" SOLARIZE ======== This functions simulates a fotographical special effect. If you set a negative into the sunlight the dark colors become darklier and lighten colors become inversed. Settings ======== This function doesn`t need any settings. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorHSV" "HSV Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" HSV-ADJUST ========== Mit dieser Funktioner erhalten Sie die M glichkeit die Farben eines Bildes um einen bestimmten Winkel im Farbspektrum zu verschieben. Oder die Helligkeit und die S ttigung der Farbe zu manipulieren. Die Bilder erhalten einen ganz neuen Karakter. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorRotate" "Rotate Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" Rotate ====== Mit dieser Bearbeitungsfunktion k nnen Sie ein Bild um einem beliebigen Winkel drehen. Dar berhinaus geben Sie noch den Punkt im Bild an, um den das Bild gedreht werden soll. Beim Drehen um den Mittelpunkt k Sie die Kn pfe CenterX und CenterY benutzen, die den Mittelpunkt des Bildes berechnen. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorTile" "Tile Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" Das Bild wird in einer vielzahl von kleinen Kacheln dargestellt, dabei wird das Bild in einer von Ihnen angegebenen Gr verkleinert und dann entsprechen oft in das Originalbild kopiert. Es macht den Eindruck, als ob man Mauer mit Steinen gebaut h @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorTileBrick" " TileBrick Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" TileBrick ========= Diese Funktion entspricht der Bildbearbeitungsfunktion "TILE", au das TileBrick die Steine in jeder Zeile um die halbe Breite verschiebt. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorTwirl" " Twirl Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" Twirl ===== Die Bildbearbeitungsfunktion "Twirl" dreht das Bild, wie ein Strudel. Dabei wirkt der Effekt von der Mitte nach ern, wobei Au ern der gr te Effekt auftritt. Probieren Sie einfach ein paar Einstellungen aus, um die M glichkeiten dieser Bildbearbeitungsfunktion zu verstehen. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorRGBAdjust" " RGBAdjust Bilderbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" RGBAdjust ========= Mit dieser Funktion k nnen Sie ganz leicht die Farben des Bildes ndern. Das bei geben Sie die Rot-, Gr n- und Blau-Wert an, die jeweils hinzu addiert oder abgezogen werden. Dabei erhalten Sie mit negativen Werten dunklere Bilder und mit positiven Werte entsprechend hellere Bilder. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorScale" "Scale Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" Scale ===== Wenn Sie ein Bild vergr ern oder verkleinern m chten, dann ist diese Funktion genau richtig. Geben Sie einfach die Gr e in Punkte an oder geben Sie die Angabe in Prozent an, mit der das Bild bearbeitet werden soll. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorTurn" "Turn Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" Im Gegensatz zu Rotate(Drehen), k nnen Sie mit dieser Funktion da Bild um 90 , 180 oder 270 Grad drehen. Diese Funktion ist um etliches Schneller als Rotate. @ENDNODE @NODE "OperatorWhirl" Whirl Bildbearbeitungsmodule" @TOC "MAIN" Whirl ===== Diese Bildbearbeitungsfunktion arbeitet genau wie die "Twirl" Funktion, aber dabei wirkt der Effekt von Au en nach Innen, wobei in der Mitte der Gr te Effekt entsteht. Es entstehen beeindruckene Bilder, die einen immer wieder Erstaunen. @ENDNODE @NODE "ViewerMain" "Anzeigemodule" @TOC "MAIN" Viewermodules ============= Please choose the optimal viewer module for your system. Keep an eye on which viewer modul you have selected, did you have chosen the right graphic board or the right chip set (ECS/AGA)? If you don`t select the right viewer it may be that errors could occures. @{" ECS " LINK "ViewerECS"} for Oldtimer Amigas like (A500, A2000 ...) @{" AGA " LINK "ViewerAGA"} for A1200/4000 and latest models @{" CYBERGFX " LINK "ViewerCYBER"} for graphicboards supporting Cybergraphix @{" PICASSO " LINK "ViewerPICASSO"} for Picasso graphicboards @{" RETINA " LINK "ViewerRETINA"} for Retina graphicboards @{" GRAFFITI " LINK "ViewerGRAFFITI"} for Graffiti graphicboards @{" WINDOW " LINK "ViewerWINDOW"} for displaying in a window @ENDNODE @NODE "ViewerECS" "Anzeigemodule ECS" @TOC "MAIN" ECS viewermodules ================= These viewers are for Amigas which didn`t have a graphic board or an aga chip set. That means the viewer can used by the following Computers: A500,A600,A1000,A2000,A2500 und A3000. Of course every aga machine can use the viewers too, but it doesn`t make sense. You can choose between 4 different ECS viewers. Two for 16 greycolors display and two for display in HAM6. There is no different between the two versions display quality but the second viewers are working faster. The ecs viewers with the ending "FAST" containing a optimal routine, which writes the graphic data directly in the Amiga hardware. The two other modules are systemfriendlier and should run on any Computer with an AMIGA operating system. @ENDNODE @NODE "ViewerAGA" "Anzeigemodule AGA" @TOC "MAIN" AGA viewer modules ================== These viewers are for all computers which using the AGA chip set. e.g. A1200 and A4000. If you use a graphic boards on your ECS system you can use the AGA-viewers too, but the graphic board must supports this function. HAM8 can also displayed with a graphic board. You can select between 6 different AGA viewers. AGA_HAM The picture is viewing in 262000 colors. This viewer is the systemfriendly variante and should run on any Computer system with AMIGA operating system. AGA_HAM_FAST The picture is viewing in 262000 colors. The viewer writes the graphic data directley in the hardware. AGA_HAM_C2P The picture is viewing in 262000 colors. This viewer contains a high optimized converting routine which writes the graphic data`s directly in the Amiga hardware. AGA_GREY The picture is viewing in 256 greycolors. This viewer is the systemfriendly variante and should run on any Computer system with AMIGA operating system. AGA_GREY_FAST The picture is viewing in 256 greycolors. The viewer writes the graphic data directley in the hardware. AGA_GREY_C2P The picture is viewing in 256 greycolors. This viewer contains a high optimized converting routine which writes the graphic data`s directly in the Amiga hardware. @ENDNODE @NODE "ViewerCYBER" "Anzeigemodule CYBER" @TOC "MAIN" CYBER viewer ============ This viewer can used for all graphic boards which are using the Cybergraphix software. The viewer allows the display in 16 or 24 bit (highcolor and truecolor) or rather 65536 and 16.8 mil. colors. Of course, the display in grey tones is also possible. CYBER_GREY The picture is viewing on a graphic board in 256 grey tones. This viewer is the systemfriendly variante and should run on any Computer system with AMIGA operating system. CYBER_GREY_FAST The picture is viewing on a graphic board in 256 grey tones. The viewer writes the graphic data directley in the hardware. CYBER_16BIT The picture is viewing on a graphic board in 65536 colors. The most graphic boards can display a higher resolution in 16 bit as in 24 bit, therefore the color quality getting down a little bit. This viewer is the systemfriendly variante and should run on any Computer system with AMIGA operating system. CYBER_16BIT_FAST The picture is viewing on a graphic board in 65536 colors. The viewer writes the graphic data directley in the hardware therefore the viewer is much more faster. CYBER_24BIT The picture is viewing on a graphic board in 16.8 mil. colors. With this viewer yo can enjoy the whole color palette of a 16 mil. color display. But the viewer only makes sense, if you displayed real 24 bit pictures. For picture with less than 16mil. color it`s enough to use on of the 16 bit viewer. This viewer is the systemfriendly variante and should run on any Computer system with AMIGA operating system. CYBER_24BIT_FAST The picture is viewing on a graphic board in 16.8 mil. colors. The viewer writes the graphic data directley in the hardware therefore the viewer is much more faster. @ENDNODE @NODE "ViewerRETINA" "Anzeigemodule RETINA" @TOC "MAIN" RETINA viewer moduls ==================== The viewer allows the display in 16 or 24 bit (highcolor and truecolor) or rather 65536 and 16.8 mil. colors. Of course, the display in grey tones is also possible. RETINA_GREY The picture is viewing on a graphic board in 256 grey tones. This viewer is the systemfriendly variante and should run on any Computersystem with AMIGA operating system. RETINA_16BIT The picture is viewing on a graphic board in 65536 colors. The most graphic boards can display a higher resolution in 16 bit as in 24 bit, therefore the color quality getting down a little bit. This viewer is the systemfriendly variante and should run on any Computer system with AMIGA operating system. RETINA_24BIT The picture is viewing on a graphic board in 16.8 mil. colors. With this viewer yo can enjoy the whole color palette of a 16 mil. color display. But the viewer only makes sense, if you displayed real 24 bit pictures. For picture with less than 16mil. color it`s enough to use one of the 16 bit viewer. This viewer is the systemfriendly variante and should run on any Computer system with AMIGA operating system. Artstudio doesn`t supports a "FAST" viewer for the retina graphic board, at the moment. @ENDNODE @NODE "ViewerPICASSO" "Anzeigemodule PICASSO" @TOC "MAIN" PICASSO viewermodule ===================== The viewer allows the display in 16 or 24 bit (highcolor and truecolor) or rather 65536 and 16.8 mil. colors. Of course, the display in grey tones is also possible. PICASSO_GREY The picture is viewing in 256 greytones on the graphic board. PICASSO_16BIT The picture is viewing on a graphic board in 65536 colors. The most graphic boards can display a higher resolution in 16 bit as in 24 bit, therefore the color quality getting down a little bit. This viewer is the systemfriendly variante and should run on any Computer system with AMIGA operating system. PICASSO_24BIT The picture is viewing on a graphic board in 16.8 mil. colors. With this viewer yo can enjoy the whole color palette of a 16 mil. color display. But the viewer only makes sense, if you displayed real 24 bit pictures. For picture with less than 16mil. color it`s enough to use the 16 bit viewer. This viewer is the systemfriendly variante and should run on any Computer system with AMIGA operating system. Artstudio doesn`t supports a "FAST" viewer for the picasso graphic board, at the moment. @ENDNODE @NODE "ViewerWINDOW" "Anzeigemodule WINDOW" @TOC "MAIN" WINDOW viewermodul ================== The Window viewer is opening a window on the ArtStudio screen and in the window you can see the picture you like to display. The number of the colors and greytones are according to the selected screen preferences. The window viewer also supports the Cybergraphix modes like 16 or 24 bit. As result you can open the window on the Artstudio screen and a picture can be displayed in 16 mil colors. Also you can make the window smaller or bigger, to move the picture in the window please use the sliders on the left side and below. @ENDNODE @NODE "ARexxProgramme" "Mitgelieferte ARexx Programme" @TOC "MAIN" ARexx programs ============== In this section we explain the enclosed ARexx-programs and also you can learn how to program your own ARexx-script. enclosed ARexx-Programs ----------------------- The Artstudio package contains a lot of ARexx-programs ready to run. Now we want to explain how you can use the programs. We starting with the program "Load.asrx". This script enables you to hand over pictures from other programs to Artstudio and take them into the catalogue. Now, please start the "Load.asrx" as an ARexx-program and hand over the complete picture path. Please ensure that you have set the picture path into quotation marks. Without, there may be errors while loading the picture if it contains spaces in its name. First we show you some ARexx-scripts, these scripts making your work with Arstudio more easier. Mainly, you can influence the ArtStudio settings. You have the possibility to start the scripts directly from Artstudio (ASYNCHRON-MODE only) or from other programs. Of course, we have pretended a few possibilities only. But you can change all other settings per ARexx, too. Therefore you can use every program to change the Artstudio settings. If you start ARexx-scripts from ArtStudio please remember to start the ASYNCHRON-Mode before (see Artstudio preferences). If you don`t, Artstudio stops runing and you can`t break the script anyway. ErrorOn ErrorOff ---------------- With this script you can enable or disable the error message. Therefore you can enable the errormessage shortly and e.g., look for why the last picture wasn`t loaded. parameter: none example : ErrorON The errormassage is activated FastZoomOn FastZoomOff ---------------------- With this script you can select whether the zoom function is set to quick or is set to slow (for more quality). If you use the FastZoomOn function the stamp will enlarge by an optimized routine and if you use the FastZoomOff function the original picture will be reloaded, new calculated and scaled. In fact off this you get a higher picture quality. parameter: none example : FastZoomOn The scaling is shown in best quality To hand over pictures to other programs ======================================= Now, we explain the ARexx-scripts whom can hand over pictures from Art- studio to another program. Please watch out, not all programs known so much graphicfromats like Artstudio does and then errors could be happen. But we think, all programs should known the IFF-format and if you use this format the transmition will work out all right. Supposing you have to send a different fileformat like "gif" e.g. you can use the ConvertStudio to put the picture in the right format. Be valid for all scripts (ImageTo...) parameter: FILENAME/K (path and name together!) example : ImageToADPro.asrx "Work:Bilder/Testbild" ImageToADPro ------------ The picture will send to Artdepartment prof. ImageToDPaint ------------- The picture will send to Dpaint4. But remember, Dpaint 4 doesn`t supports ARexx-commands and therefore it`s only possible to hand over the path and picture-name while Dpaint4 is starting. And also remember, DPaint supports the IFF-Format only. ImageToDPaint5 -------------- The picture will send to DPaint5. But remember, DPaint5 knows the IFF-Format only. ImageToDPaint5Brush ------------------- The picture will send to DPaint5. The picture will hand over as a brush. Only IFF-format possible!! ImageToFinalWriter ------------------ The picture will send to FinalWriter. The picture will open on the first document. ImageToFinalWriter2 ------------------- The picture will send to FinalWriter. The picture will open on the second document. The construction of the following scripts are identical to the explained above. ------------ ImageToImageFX ImageToImageMaster ImageToMovieShop ImageToPPaint ImageToScala ImageToXiPaint ImageToXiPaintBrush To send pictures via modem =========================== If you use the program Term, you can send pictures via modem with these three Arexx-scripts. ClearTermUpload --------------- Herewith you can delete the upload list to avoid that previously sent pictures are sending twice. parameter: none example : ClearTermUpload.asrx ImageToTerm ----------- This script have over the path and the name of the picture which you want to send. parameter: FILENAME/K (path and name together!) example : ImageToTerm.asrx "Work:Bilder/Testbild" or : ImageToTerm.asrx %s %s see handing-over-parameters!! SendTermUpload -------------- With this script you can send the complete contents of the upload list. Parameter: none example : SendTermUpload.asrx picture displaying ================== All ARexx-scripts whom starting with "ShowImage..." are for displaying the picture with external viewers. Artstudio allows you to choose a separate viewer for each graphic format . You can take this settings in the ArtStudio perferences. But if you like ARexx so much, you can do the same with the these ARexx-scripts. hand over pictures to Artstudio =============================== With a short ARexx-script it`s possible to hand over pictures from other programs to Artstudio. For example, you use the directory-mananger "DirectoryOpus". Then you can hand over pictures to Artstudio with a easy mouseclick. Please remember, to set path and picturename in quotation marks if they containing spaces. parameter: PFAD/K NAME/K example : Load.asrx "Work:Bilder/" "Testbild" parameter @ENDNODE @NODE "ToolPrograms" "Enclosed Tools" @TOC "MAIN" Tools ===== Artstudio also includes some useful tools, whom making it easier to work with Artstudio. FX Studio ========= An external picture manipulation program which allows you to load, to manipulate and to transform any picture you like. After starting the program a working area appears which is subdivided in serveral fields. In the hightest field you can see the name and the size of the loaded picture. Under this, you can see four listwindows with the specificated modules. And in the lowest area you can see the statusdisplay. You can start the respective modul by double click on its name. Convert Studio ============== A useful tool to convert pictures in different graphicformat. If you start Convert Studio from DirOpus you can convert idividual pictures or a whole directory. Starting from CLI ----------------- If you have started ConvertStudio from SHELL or CLI you can hand over the following parameters. LOADER/K SAVER/K QUALITY/N FROM/K TO/K LOADER ------ Herewith you can load a certain graphicformat. Basicsetting = "UNIVERSAL" SAVER ----- Herewith you can select the graphicformat in which the picture has to be saved. Basicsetting = "JPEG" QUALITY ------- If you have selected the "JPEG" savermodul you can also declare the desired qualitiy of the pictures. 1 is the poorest qualitiy and 100 is the best quality. Basicsetting = "80" FROM ---- Here, you can type in the path and the name of the picture. If you haven`t typed in a name, a filerequester appears in which you can select the desired path and name. Here you can type in the destination directory, in which you like tio save the picture. If you haven`t typed in a name, a filerequester appears in which you can select the desired path and name. Example ------- ConvertStudio LOADER=UNIVERSAL SAVER=JPEG QUALITY=50 FROM=Work:Bilder/Bild1 TO=Ram:Test Attention! ---------- If the name or path containing spaces you have to set the whole part in quotation marks. Example ------- ConvertStudio FROM="Work:Bilder/Bild 1" TO="Ram:Test Nr.1" Starting from WB ---------------- If you start ConvertStudio from the workbench a filerequester appears in which you can choose the picture you like to load. After this another filerequester appears which ask you for the destination path and name. Basicsettings are: LOADER=UNIVERSAL, SAVER=JPEG and QUALITY=80 View Studio =========== This program is for viewing any picture you like. If you start this tool from e.g. DirOpus you can display all selected pictures in a DiaShow. Starting from CLI ----------------- If you start ViewStudio from SHELL or CLI you can hand over the following parameters LOADER/K VIEWER/K /F LOADER ------ Herewith you can type in the loadername for a certain graphicformat. Basicsetting = "UNIVERSAL" VIEWER ------ Here, you have to select the specificated viewermodule for your computer system (ECS,AGA....) Basicsetting ="ECS_GREY" Also you have to declare the path and the name of the picture which you like to dispay. Example ------- ViewStudio LOADER=UNIVERSAL VIEWER=CYBER_16BIT_FAST Work:Bilder/Bild1 Attention! ---------- If the name or path contains spaces you have to set the whole part in quotation marks. Example ------- ViewStudio LOADER=UNIVERSAL VIEWER=CYBER_16BIT_FAST "Work:Bilder/Bild 1" Cyper FLIC ========== Mit CyberFLIC erhalten Sie ein Programm, da Ihnen die Animationsformate FLI und FLC anzeigt. Mit den verschiedenen Einstellungen k nnen Sie das Programm Ihren w nschen anpassen. Zur Zeit ist das Abspielen von Animationen nur in Verbindung mit CyberGraphics m glich! Argumente: WINDOW/S DELAY/N CACHE/S REPEAT/N FROM/K WINDOW Die Animation wird in einen Fenster auf dem vorderen Bildschirm angezeigt, aber kann nur bei Bildschirmen mit 15,16 oder 24Bit genutzt werden. DELAY Die Wartezeit zwischen den jeweiligen Bildern. Einstellung 1/50sec. Wenn nicht benutzt, dann wird die Verz gerung von der Animation genutzt. CACHE Die Animation wird komplett in den Speicher geladen, dadurch erh ht sich die Abspielgeschwindigkeit. Sollte aber nur bei ausreichend Speicher verwendet werden. REPEAT Gibt an, wie oft die Animation wiederholt werden soll. Hier wird der Pfad und der Dateiname von der Animation bergeben. Es handelt sich um eine Schalter und ben tigt keine weiteren Angaben. Es wird ein Numerischer Wert erwartet. Das Argument muss nicht unbedingt mitangegeben werden. Wird ein Text ohne Argument gefunden, wird es automatisch diesen Argument zugewiesen. Cyper AVI ========= Mit diesem Programm k nnen Sie Animationen, die im AVI-Format vorliegen, abspielen. Der CyberAVI-Player ist auch in der Lage den Ton abzuspeilen. Es kann bei manchen Animationen vorkommen, da der Ton nicht mehr Synchron l uft oder sogar ruckelt. Falls das der Fall sein sollte, nnen Sie den Ton auch ausschalten. Sehen Sie hierzu auch die Dokumentation "CyberAVI.guide". Cyper QT ======== Mit diesem Programm k nnen Sie Animationen, die im QUICKTIME-Format vorliegen, abspielen. Der CyberQT-Player ist auch in der Lage den Ton abzuspeilen. Es kann bei manchen Animationen vorkommen, da der Ton nicht mehr Synchron l uft oder sogar ruckelt. Falls das der Fall sein sollte, nnen Sie den Ton auch ausschalten. Sehen Sie hierzu auch die Dokumentation "CyberQT.guide". ViewTek ======= Dieses allgemein Bekannte Anzeigeprogramm erm glicht Ihnen das Anzeigen von IFF-ANIM5,7,8 Animationen. Hierf r gibt es eine vielzahl von Einstellungsm glichkeiten, die Sie am Besten aus der Dokumentation "Viewtek.guide". @ENDNODE @NODE "Parameter" " bergabe Parameter" @TOC "MAIN" Handing-over parameter ====================== The handing-over parameter are used for to give further informations to ARexx-scripts or to external programs. It`s very usefull or even necessary to hand over certain informations to other programs or ARexx-scripts. Therefore, Artstudio has declared the most parameters as shortcuts which starts with a % character. You didn`t have to watch out for capital or short letters %S path and filename of the chosen picture will hand over. %F only the picture-filename will hand over %P only the path of the picture will hand over %R a filerequester will open.As well, you have the possibility to choose the desired picture or text comfortable and if you have selected, the parameter will hand over to the script automatically. %T The temp-path will hand over. According to the perferences-settings the corresponding path will hand over. Also you can use the temp-path for other program therefore you always didn`t have to change the path if you use a differnt script or program. %D The file-path of the loaded stamps will hand over. That means, it will be hand over the path from which the basefile was opened plus the subdirectory of the stamps. It`s easier as it`s seems. a example: You have loaded the basefile into Artstudio. The path is "Work:BaseDateien/TestBase/" and the subdirectory is "Stamps/". That means a string called "Work:BaseDateien/TestBase/Stamps/" will hand over. As we you use the "%" characters as a flag for handing-over parameters, sometimes it could happen that you need the "%" character in a filename or something else. Herewith you can use "%" in a string. Please remember that you don`t hand over a separted "%" character without handing-over parameters, may be errors could occure. some example for explaining --------------------------- We want operating with an external viewer. The viewer-name is "Anzeiger" and lies in the C:directory then the input-command should reads as the following: C:Anzeiger %s C:Anzeiger %s Of course, you can hand over parameters to the viewer, too. C:Anzeiger SCALE LEFTMOUSEBUTTON %s C:Anzeiger SCALE %s LEFTMOUSEBUTTON C:Anzeiger %s SCALE LEFTMOUSEBUTTON At the places where you can see "%s" there will hand over the path and the name of the picture automatically. The path and name will set in quotation marks allways. @ENDNODE @NODE "FragenAntworten" "Fragen und Antworten" @TOC "MAIN" Questions and Answers ===================== If you a troubles with ArtStudio? This section will be the right for you. Here we try to answer the FAQ`s and other problems which could happen if you use ArtStudio. Question: Why I can`t load my picture XY ??? Answer: May be, you have selected the wrong loader-module in the preferences. Always use the universal loader, because it knows the right loader automatically. Or, the picture-format wasn`t supported yet. In that case, you can send us the recongized pictures and if you have some doc`s about it`s format. Then we will try to create a special loader for you. Our address you can find at the end of this manual. Question: Why the picture will not be displayed ? Wieso wird das Bild nicht angezeigt? Answer: May be, you have selected the wrong viewer-module in the preferences. Please choose the right viewer-module for your the system. (ECS-Machines =>ECS viewer etc.) Or, you didn`t have enough chipmem free or your chipmen is fragmented. Please close other programs which using chip e.g. paintprograms. If nothing brings a result you have to do a reset. Question: Why doesn`t converts Arstudio all the pictures in the directory ?? Answer: You have selected a specified loadermodul, but the directory contains differnt graphic-formats. Please choose the UNIVERSAL-loader, then you can get all pictures. Or, you didn`t have enough RAM free or your RAM is fragmented. Please close other programs which using RAM e.g. paintprograms and so on. As nothing brings a result, it may be, that you didn`t have enough memory in your system avaible. So you have to by further FastRAM or use a Virtuell Memory-manager like VMM (Shareware, but fully functionable) Question: I can`t hand over the selected picture to another program!! Answer: It may be, that you don`t have starting the programm "RexxMast" which have to start before using ARexx-commands. You can find this program on your system-partition in the system-directory. Paintprograms like DPaint can`t read all graphic-formats, therefore errors could be happen if you try to hand over Jpeg picture to DPaint. Use the convert-function of ArtStudio to put the picture in the right format (e.g. Jpeg to IFF) before you hand over it. Question: Sometimes it happens that Artstudio stops reading pictures from CD. Answer: We have found out that if you have a certain hardware configuration (e.g. FastlaneZ3 with an old Eprom) the SCSI-Bus stops working. That`s no failure of ArtStudio. It is advisable to use a other CD-file-system, if you have. If you don`t like this suggestion, there is a little trick to restart the SCSI-Bus. Go back on the workbench screen and open a CLI or a Shell, thereby the SCSI-Bus will restart. Question: If I tried to read a certain CD, Artstudio crashs down!! Answer: We have found out that some picture containing illegal characters in it`s name e.g. "#" or "?". These are wildcards which are using by the AmigaDOS. So, if Artstudio tried to compare if the picture is already catalogized the system could crash down. @ENDNODE @NODE "Glossar" "Erkl rung gebr uchlicher Fachbegriffe" @TOC "MAIN" Explaining of common technicalterms =================================== @{b}Autoscroll@{ub} Automatical movement of a screen, if the mousecursor reach the end of the visible screenarea. @{b}Argument@{ub} Declaration of parameters for a program or command. @{b}Basefile@{ub} The basefile (Basedatei) containg the whole data`s from the pictures. @{b}Button@{ub} Description for areas on the screen with which you can start or confirm actions by a mouseclick. mouseclick also see gadget @{b}Chip-Ram@{ub} A special part of the ram which is using for picture and sound data`s. The Amiga special-chips get their data`s from there. This ramtyp is also known as graphic-ram. @{b}Cursor@{ub} Arrow-buttons, on the right hand of the returnkey @{b}Disk@{ub} A data medium for saving computer data`s @{b}Dithering@{ub} Creating a illusion of a color by using a pattern which is composed of other colors. Therefore you can "mix" the color violet if you use neighbouring red and blue pixels. @{b}FAST-RAM@{ub} Memory which is used by programs and data`s. @{b}Filename@{ub} Name of file on a data medium @{b}Fragmenting@{ub} Describes the irregular allocation of the data`s on a disc. In fact of this the Amiga have to search at different places for the needed data`s and this takes time. Fragmenting can also happen to the RAM. Therefore the Amiga can`t reserve a bigger, connected RAM area which a program has requested and the program can`t starting. You have to make a reset before you let the program run. @{b}GetFile@{ub} A button or a symbol which opens a filerequester. @{b}Interaktive@{ub} On the search for pictures, the settting will state new for each picture. @{b}Converting@{ub} A picture will be manipulated @{b}Path@{ub} A path contains the drivename, the directoryname and the suddirectories whom define the position of a file. @{b}Preferences@{ub} In the preferences you can do all program-settings. @{b}RAM@{ub} workspace (FAST- & CHIP-MEM) @{b}Selected@{ub} chosen @{b}Stamp@{ub} Also kown as Thumbnail it is a miniature of a picture. @{b}String@{ub} A piece of text, which is handling like a integrated whole. @{b}Directory@{ub} This is a piece of the filesystem of a computer which records files and subdirectories. Directories are shown on the Workbench screen as drawer-icons. @{b}Virtuell Memory@{ub} A possibility to enlarge the system-memory by creating of a storeagefile on the harddrive. The system gets harddisc-space as additional workspace. Therefore you can work with more memory but the speed runs down because of the permanent harddisc access. @{b}Wildcard@{ub} Joker, can place for any characters series. @{b}Zoom@{ub} to enlarge a cutout or a picture @{b}Drag&Drop@{ub} Nach Anklicken von Drag&Drop ist es m glich,bilder mit der Maus anzuklicken und sie an beliebiger Stelle Fallen zulassen. @{b}PopUpMen @{ub} Wenn dieser Men punkt vorher aktiviert wurde,erscheint beim Klick auf ein Bild im geladenen Katalog, ein Men fenster,welches zur Weiterver-und Bearbeitung der Bilder dient. @{b}HTML@{ub} HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE Scriptsprache zur Erstellung von WEB-Seiten f r das WWW. @{b}WWW@{ub} WorldWideWeb. @{b}WEB@{ub} WEB-Pages sind grafische Oberfl chen bassierend auf die HTML-Scriptsprache. @{b}BROWSER@{ub} Ein Programm zum Anzeigen von HTML-Dokumente, wie z.B. IBrowse, Voyager, AWeb. @ENDNODE @NODE "Registration" "ArtStudio registrieren" @TOC "MAIN" Registration Please fill out the enclosed registrationcard and send it back to us. If you are registred you are entitled to get the technical hotline. If you call the technical hotline please pay attention that you have the registration number ready. The registration number can find under the menu "about...." or on the backside of the Artstudio CD. NAME: ___________________________________________________ ADDESS: _________________________________________________ Postcode: _________ Residence: _______________________ TEL.: ____________________ FAX: _________________________ Email: __________________________________________________ ArtStudio Version: ____ Registration No.: _______________ bought on: ____________ dealer: _________________________ AMIGA Computer: _____________________ Memory: ___________ Graphicboard: _______________________ Memory: ___________ Harddisc: _________________________ Capacity: ___________ What do you like from Artstudio? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ What you don`t like from Artstudio? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ What new function would you like to see in future updates? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ In what kind of products are you interested, too? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Which Amiga-Magazines do you read: _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ @ENDNODE @NODE "UpDates" "UpDates von ArtStudio" @TOC "MAIN" UpDates ======= All registered user of Artstudio will receive a written notification if new releases coming up. All other user can inform themselves about the new versions in all Amiga-magazines. We also try to put small updates into the Aminet. Therefore you can receive quick and gratis the latest version of Artstudio directly via modem or if you buy the Aminet CD`s. @ENDNODE @NODE "Support" "Support" @TOC "MAIN" Support ======= How to help myself if an error occurs ! ------------------------------------------ If you have problems when you work with Artstudio, please look first in this manual most problems can be solved with it. Remember shortly, what you have done and which function doesn`t work like you have it expected. Look in the corresponding pages of this manual the index-guide will help you to find the right one. Pay attention, that no other external runing program cause this failure e.g. other graphic programs whom using chip etc. Please contact the hotline not until you`re sure, that have find out a failure of Artstudio . Please remember, that you have first to register before you can avail technical help. If you can`t go on working, nothing you have done helps then call our hotline. Titan Computer -------------- Tel: 0421/481620 Fax: 0421/481620 MotionStudios ------------- Tel: 0421/249966 Fax: 0421/249556 email: MotionStudios@mail.netwave.de Please remember the EMail is the cheapest variant to contact our hotline. Where I have to send the bugreports and wishes for new features. ------------------------------------------------------------------ If you have difficulties, bugs or further wishes, then please contact the Artstudio programmer direct. We will try to find a solution for your problems. Of course we are very interested in your requests, suggestions und bug reports. That makes it easier to create a good program. We want you to know about our HomePage where you can UpLoad the newest version of ArtStudio. Look at: www.vossnet.de/titanhb/motionstudios MotionStudios Wildermuthplatz 3 D-28211 Bremen Germany email: MotionStudios@mail.netwave.de @ENDNODE @NODE "Danke" "Danke Leute" @TOC "MAIN" Thanks Here we want to say thanks to the following guys. They have promoted the development of Artstudio with their power. Many thanks to... ================= Betatester ---------- Michael Siegel, Axel Deising, Andreas Hagedorn, Alexander Seesko, Michael Schwiedop, Bernd Peters These guys haven`t kept quiet until (hopefully) the last bug has been eliminated . Special thanxs to Georges Heinesch I have never seen a better tester like him, he is a "workaholic" tester. Many thanx for your great help Georges ; ) A few graphics -------------- Andreas Hagedorn He has created the design of the Artstudio logo. Fred Schulenburg For the wunderful CD-Cover and his example picture on this CD. Online Testing -------------- Mike G nther For the great help to let the Picasso viewermodule working. It was a great experience to write a program blind respectively to debug it. Unfortunately, I still haven`t get a picassoboard to test it online. moral assistance ---------------- From all user of the first Artstudio version and users of the demoversion. I get so much praise that I can`t stop go on working. Karen Witte My girlfriend, she makes be happy again if want to give up. Oliver Lopinski and Michael Garlich For the english translation (Sorry, nobody is perfect : )))) @ENDNODE @NODE "Lizenz" "Copyright und Garantie" @TOC "MAIN" Copyright and other legal stuff =============================== @{b}Copyright:@{ub} Copyright (c) 1994-1996 by MotionStudios MotionStudios reserves the right to make improvements and modifications on this product everytime and without previous announcements. The manual and the software described in the manual are under copyright of MotionStudios. All rights reserved. It isn`t allowed to copy the manual in parts, to duplicate it, to translate it in other languages or to bring it in electronical or mechanical readable form without written permission of MotionStudio, Wildermuthplatz 3, D-28211 Bremen. @{b}Without guarantee:@{ub} MotionStudios doesn`t take on any responsibility, neither expressly nor maintained, refer to this manual it`s quality, usability or it`s suitability for a certain purpose. The manual has published in the presented form. Artstudio has been developed and tested carefully. However, the authors didn`t guarantee for any damages, which result direct or indirect of using Artstudio. This is also valid for the manual and the other including programs. You are using this program on your own risc! @ENDNODE @NODE "Future" "Was noch alles kommt" @TOC "MAIN" The future ========== At the moment we have planed the following new features: - further loadermodule - further savingmodule - further pictureprocessing functions - reworked viewers - further vernaculars And we also planed a new program, which is a combination of pictureprocessing and videoprocessing. It supports many special effects to popup your animations and video. Of course we are very interested in your requests and suggestions. Please phone or write to us. WE NEVER LET THE AMIGA DIE, AMIGA RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! @ENDNODE